Chapter 290 Really Boring
Now that the Buddha Lingguo is in hand, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble. If she offends another Lan family, it will be really impossible for her to continue looking for medicinal materials in Tianhuo City in a low-key manner.

She wanted to stay here to inquire about other medicinal materials, and Ye Qianyue didn't want to offend too many people, making it inconvenient for her to act in the future.

Seeing Lan Zhiqing nodding to herself with a smile, Ye Qianyue turned around and was about to leave without wasting any time.

"Miss Ye." Just as Ye Qianyue turned to leave, Na Lan Zhiqing suddenly spoke.

Stopping in her tracks, Ye Qianyue didn't look back.

"Miss Ye, although the Buddha Spirit Fruit is good, you are more valuable than this thing, miss. Moreover, the lady should also understand that the origin of the Buddha Spirit Fruit is not simple, so please be careful. If something happens to Miss, our Wanbao Auction House will be very troubled." The betrayal of Qiluan and the others was actually a favor to Ye Qianyue, if Ye Qianyue was killed as soon as she went out, Nalan Zhi Qing is wasting all his efforts.

"Thank you for reminding me." Ye Qianyue didn't turn her head to look at her from the beginning to the end. After finishing speaking, Ye Qianyue walked out of the room with Xiao Hei and Mo Zhu.

Watching Ye Qianyue's fiery red and enchanting figure leave, Lan Zhiqing's eyes glowed with astonishment, and then gradually fell silent.


After leaving the Wanbao Auction House, Mo Zhu quickly pulled Ye Qianyue's sleeve.

"Miss, someone is following us!" After saying this vigilantly, Mo Zhu's expression turned serious, and he felt the terrifying murderous aura around him.

"Don't worry about the expected things." Saying this, Ye Qianyue's pace was much faster.

Immediately keeping up, Mo Zhu and Xiao Hei's eyes were full of solemnity.

She didn't hide, Ye Qianyue clearly understood that with so many pairs of eyes watching her, no matter where she hid, it was not safe.

Moreover, she had no intention of hiding at all.

Soon after leaving Skyfire City, Ye Qianyue stopped in a desert not far from Skyfire City.

Surrounded by a piece of dry yellow sand, the bright moon hung high in the sky, and the slightly cold wind blew by at night, quickly attracting countless figures.

In just a few breaths, Ye Qianyue was already surrounded by people from countless forces.

"It seems that this Buddha Spirit Fruit is very eye-catching. It has attracted so many pests. It is really annoying." After saying this lightly, Ye Qianyue waved her hand lightly, and the fiery red scepter appeared in hand.

Although the attack power of the scepter is not very strong among the primitive artifacts, it is still a primitive artifact after all, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary weapons to compete.

I saw bursts of heart-shattering flames emanating from the top of the scepter, continuously emitting fiery heat.

"Miss Ye, we are under the command of City Lord Yunlong, and I would like to ask you to hand over the God-breaking Potion and Buddha Spirit Fruit, if not..." A black-robed man with countless masters said quickly.

Before this person could finish speaking, Ye Qianyue's eyes were slightly narrowed, and then her steps moved instantly.

Can't see how Ye Qianyue moves at all, City Lord Yunlong's subordinates only feel a red light flashing in front of their eyes, Ye Qianyue has come in front of him.

The corners of the bright red lips evoked a strong and gorgeous smile, Ye Qianyue's eyes were full of murderous intent, she raised her hand seemingly casually, and the scepter had already landed on the subordinate's head.

(End of this chapter)

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