The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 291 I Annoy Someone Threatening Me The Most

Chapter 291 I Annoy Someone Threatening Me The Most
Dazzling and dazzling flames rushed out, instantly enveloping the body of the man under him.

"Ah!!" A shrill scream erupted from his throat, and at the same time that his subordinate was burned into nothingness, Ye Qianyue returned to the original place in a flash.

Eyes as cold as ice, Ye Qianyue looked at the other masters who were also under the lord of the city, and sneered, "I hate people threatening me the most."

Seeing this, the city lord's subordinates attacked Ye Qianyue with murderous intent without even thinking about it.

There was no need for Ye Qianyue to do anything, Mo Zhu and Xiao Hei behind him had already rushed out.

Many masters didn't see the figures of the two of them clearly at all, they only felt that a cloud of pitch-black smoke stirred, and then swallowed most of them in!

Several people just disappeared in the same place, and the remaining people only felt the hairs on their backs stand on end, and they were so frightened that they couldn't keep their wits about them!

But at this moment, a gust of wind blew by, and countless dark green leaves swept across like sharp knives, severing the throats of several masters!
There was a muffled sound as the corpse fell to the ground, and Mo Zhu looked coldly at the few remaining masters with a coldness that was not usually seen on his face.

"Xiao Hei, leave the rest to me, you can help Miss." Mo Zhu said calmly, looking at those experts who were as strong as him.

After saying this, Mo Zhu quickly rushed out from the spot regardless of Xiao Hei's reaction.

A dark light appeared in the eyes, and the sharp leaves all over Mo Zhu rushed towards those people as her mind moved.

"Hmph, you are only at the level of a great Nian teacher, and you dare to come out and be presumptuous!" After saying this disdainfully, one of the masters smashed the leaves into pieces with a fist, and was about to attack Mo Zhu.

Seeing this, beads of sweat dripped from Mo Zhu's face, and he clapped his hands.

There was only a crisp sound, and then countless vines came out from under the feet of those people, tightly binding their feet.

"Damn it?! What the hell is this!" Looking at the countless vines, those masters who looked down on Mo Zhu because of her strength all exclaimed.

"Go!!" Taking this opportunity, Mo Zhu shouted coldly, and countless dark green vines with barbed thorns also broke through the ground, and then pierced the chests of several people fiercely.

Seeing that those people were out of breath, Mo Zhu was also panting heavily.

Mo Zhu's strength is not high, such a large use of wood attributes made her a little tired.

Even so, Mo Zhu solved his opponent perfectly and quickly returned to Ye Qianyue's side.

"Well done." Knowing that Mo Zhu wanted to help her wholeheartedly, Ye Qianyue's heart warmed, and she praised her without hesitation.

"Thank you, miss." Nodding with a smile, Mo Zhu felt that the atmosphere around her had changed a lot.

At first, they thought that the two Xiaohei beside Ye Qianyue were the oil bottles, but everyone present did not expect that these two people were so difficult to deal with!
At the moment, the arrogance was put away, and the leader of one of the teams came out, with a somewhat respectful tone, "Miss Ye, we are from the Feng family, as long as the lady is willing to join our Feng family, we promise Give the lady everything she wants, and never touch the Buddha Spirit Fruit in the lady's hand."

However, just after the Feng family finished saying this, an arrogant and cruel evil smile suddenly came over.

(End of this chapter)

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