The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 293 I'm Really Disappointed

Chapter 293 I'm Really Disappointed

The battle must be resolved quickly, otherwise, the longer it drags on, the worse it will be for her!
"Hmph, interesting." With a soft snort, Beigong Huoyin withdrew the terrifying coercion he released, squinted his eyes and smiled, and hooked his fingers at Ye Qianyue, "Come on, I'll let you do a few tricks, you If you can force me to use [-]% of my strength against you, I will count it as your victory."

Saying that, a huge star array appeared at Beigong Huoyin's feet.

The five bright cold stars danced with bursts of cold light, and he was clearly a peak Nian Wang.

In the dark eyes, there was a real anger, and Ye Qianyue knew that Beigong Huoyin had suppressed the thought force in his body by a large margin.

Judging from the fact that Beigong Huoyin was able to kill Nian Ling-level masters just by releasing coercion, his strength is at least Nian Zun, or even Nian Zun's level!
I don't know why Beigong Huoyin deliberately suppressed his strength to compete with him, but Ye Qianyue still clearly understood that he was underestimated.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue smiled instead of anger.

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on her delicate face, and Ye Qianyue fixed her cold eyes on Beigong Huoyin over there.

Since this man dares to underestimate her, she will make him pay the price!

"Xiao Hei, protect Mo Zhu well." His eyes were on Beigong Huoyin from the beginning to the end, and Ye Qianyue's silver-white spiritual power between her brows enveloped her whole body, completely protecting her.

Relying on her keen mental strength, Ye Qianyue was able to see through Beigong Huoyin's next actions to a certain extent.

Looking at Ye Qianyue's ready-to-go appearance, a faint golden light glowed in the little black golden eyes.

"Qianyue." Xiaohei's voice sounded in Ye Qianyue's mind, making her startled.

"Quick battle, this man is very powerful, at least not something you can deal with now." Xiao Hei's voice was a little dignified, and then disappeared in Ye Qianyue's mind.

Involuntarily squinting her eyes, Ye Qianyue looked at Beigong Huoyin over there.

Xiao Hei's strength is not weak at all, and this man can make Xiao Hei pay so much attention to him, so his strength must be quite terrifying!
Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue took a deep breath, and then rushed out quickly.

Pre-emptively, she must deal with this man as soon as possible! !

Seeing the red shadow flashing in front of her eyes, Ye Qianyue came in front of her almost in the blink of an eye, Beigong Huoyin's mouth immediately evoked a playful smile, "Oh? This speed is really good."

The fiery red eyes seemed to be beating with excitement, but Bei Gong Huo Yin stretched out his hand at this moment.

The excessively fair skin made Beigong Huoyin's palm look a little weaker, but when he instantly clasped Ye Qianyue's wrist, there was still a faint sound.

The intense dull pain made Ye Qianyue frown immediately, Beigong Huoyin's strength was so great that she could crush her bones by just a hair!

"It's just like that? I'm really disappointed." As she spoke, Beigong Huoyin lowered her eyes in disappointment.

Immediately, he raised his eyes again, Beigong Huoyin's fiery red eyes were already full of ferocious killing intent!
It's meaningless to keep such a boring woman alive.

Thinking this way with some frustration in her heart, Beigong Huoyin thought at first that the woman who could fascinate Si Linyuan so much must be very special, but she never thought that she would be so boring.

(End of this chapter)

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