The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 294 Why Are You So Attached To You?

Chapter 294 Why Are You So Attached To You?
Even feeling a little angry, Beigong Huoyin felt that if Ye Qianyue was really so weak, he should have told him from the very beginning that he wasted so much time for nothing.

Just when Beigong Huoyin decided to kill Ye Qianyue with one blow, Ye Qianyue snorted coldly.

"The dark devil's people are still so arrogant, and they haven't made any progress." Ye Qianyue slapped Beigong Huoyin with a palm.

Faintly seeing something in Ye Qianyue's hand, Beigong Huoyin slightly raised her eyebrows, watching a ball of viscous liquid stick to her chest.

The colorful viscous liquid continuously releases terrifying and pure energy.

However, it has no effect.

However, before Beigong Huoyin could respond, Ye Qianyue smiled.

There was contempt and sarcasm in the smile, and Ye Qianyue's smile was so beautiful that even Beigong Huoyin couldn't help being taken aback.

"Go!" At this moment, Ye Qianyue snapped her fingers, and a cluster of flames rushed out instantly and touched the liquid.

"Boom!!" There was only a loud bang, and a terrible explosion swept out with the fiery wind, instantly drowning Beigong Huoyin's figure.

Being also permeated by the explosion, Ye Qianyue clearly calculated the trajectory of the explosion, and with the protection of spiritual power, she was not involved in the explosion!

The dark eyes were instantly covered by spiritual power, Ye Qianyue's expression was serious, and the scepter in her hand was already smashing towards the direction of Beigong Huoyin!

The sharp flame shot out in an instant, and was stopped directly by someone.

The energy ball with a little bit of gray dead energy mixed in the pitch black instantly swallowed the flames on the scepter, followed by a golden figure.

"Now, I finally know why Si Linyuan is so obsessed with you." There was pitch-black energy condensed on the palm, and the smoke around Beigong Huoyin dispersed, revealing that handsome face.

The slender phoenix eyes smiled crookedly, the golden robe on Beigong Huoyin's body was blown up a lot, and a big hole was blown out in the chest, causing a slap on the pale skin The size of the burn marks.

The fiery red burns were a bit hideous, but they were only flesh wounds.

Just now it was the explosive agent that Ye Qianyue unintentionally refined before, which was enough to blow a big hole in the chest of an ordinary strong man, but it only caused Beigong Huoyin to suffer a little skin trauma, which really surprised Ye Qianyue .

Her eyes became more serious, Ye Qianyue didn't even think about it, she kicked towards Beigong Huoyin!

The sharp kick was mixed with strong strength, and the air was filled with the sound of explosion!

Also feeling the strength of Ye Qianyue's kick, Beigong Huoyin snorted softly, then let go of her hand, and stepped back a distance with her toes touching the ground.

"Hehe..." There was a deep chuckle in his throat, and Beigong Huoyin touched the ground with his toes at the same time Ye Qianyue's foot fell.

I just felt that Beigong Huoyin's figure rushed in front of her in a flash, and Ye Qianyue didn't even see how he moved!
The hairs on her back stood up suddenly at this moment, and Ye Qianyue frowned, and without thinking about it, she punched it hard.

Su Bai's hand grasped Ye Qianyue's fist, Beigong Huoyin smiled lightly, her fiery red eyes suppressed madness and bloodthirsty, and the other palm gently brushed Ye Qianyue's face.

(End of this chapter)

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