The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 302 This Man Is Really Uncertain

Chapter 302 This Man Is Really Uncertain
Just as he was about to explain it to Ye Qianyue, Mo Zhu suddenly felt a cold gaze coming from behind him.

His body trembled involuntarily, and Mo Zhu turned his head tremblingly, and sure enough, he met Xiao Hei's cold golden eyes.

"Don't say what you shouldn't say." After each word, Xiao Hei's tone was full of warning.

Knowing that Xiao Hei's temper is not very good, Mo Zhu nodded obediently and shut up.

Anyway, the lady doesn't have that kind of meaning towards Nalan Rongze, so if you don't know, you don't know!

Having said this in his heart, Mo Zhu felt that instead of helping Nalan Rongze convey his heart, it would be better to be slick and slick Xiao Hei.

Sure enough, Mo Zhu's choice was correct, and Xiao Hei immediately raised his head, as if he was pleasing to her eyes.

She didn't understand what the two of them were doing at all, and Ye Qianyue probably didn't think it was a big deal, so she just kicked them out and began to heal herself in the room.

Beigong Huoyin kicked hard, obviously angry, but somehow healed up later, happily left again.

I think this man is really uncertain, but Ye Qianyue also understands the power of Beigong Huoyin.

Knowing that it would not be that simple to see this man next time, Ye Qianyue took a deep breath.

At Ye Qianyue's current age, it is very rare to be able to possess such strength.

However, this continent is so big, there is even a more powerful world above Canghe Continent.

There, there is absolutely no shortage of so-called geniuses, so Ye Qianyue can only protect everything she wants to protect by making continuous efforts.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue took a deep breath.

There is a firm light beating in the dark eyes, Ye Qianyue knows that she must work harder to improve her strength as soon as possible!

Quickly took out the best healing potion from her receiving ring, and Ye Qianyue quickly took it.

Nalan Rongze originally wanted to give her the medicine, but she didn't accept it.

Nalan Rongze had already told her about Huo Xicao, and she didn't want to owe Nalan Rongze too much favor.

After a quick silence, Ye Qianyue began to absorb the power of the medicine.


This time, Ye Qianyue did not rush for speed, but treated slowly to prevent any old injuries from being left behind.

In particular, Beigong Huoyin is still a dark demon. If she randomly hides some dead energy somewhere in her body, if it erupts at that time, even if she does not die, she will definitely be seriously injured.

Even though Beigong Huoyin was very trustworthy, Ye Qianyue couldn't make fun of her own life.

After spending three days and three nights, Ye Qianyue checked all the meridians in her body very carefully.

Ye Qianyue was finally relieved after confirming that Beigong Huoyin had not done anything else.

At this moment, all the injuries in her body were cured with medicine, and Ye Qianyue finally opened her eyes.

There were two fiery red flames in the dark eyes, and that strange pink-green light was even stronger than before, and then disappeared.

Unlike before, when she couldn't feel it at all, Ye Qianyue vaguely felt a pink-green light covering her eyes.

Blinking her eyes subconsciously, Ye Qianyue tried to take a closer look, but the light disappeared.

She couldn't help frowning, Ye Qianyue was wondering, but someone opened the door.

(End of this chapter)

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