Chapter 303

"Finally woke up." Although Xiao Hei looks like a young lady, but at the moment he has a cold face, leaning against the door frame he thinks he is handsome, and then noticed Ye Qianyue's expression at the moment, "What's wrong? Okay Why are you frowning?"

Ye Qianyue couldn't help laughing at Xiao Hei's appearance as a big kid, "It's nothing, I guess it's my illusion. It's you, why did I come in as soon as I woke up? Have you been guarding the door all this time?" ?”

"Yeah, no!" Ye Qianyue guessed it all of a sudden, and Xiao Hei's awkward face covered her own reddish face.

At this moment, Ye Qianyue raised her eyebrows like a sharp scimitar, and then stood up.

Stretching a lot, Ye Qianyue looked at Xiao Hei and said with a smile, "I'm going to Tianhuo Forest."

"I'll be with you." Xiao Hei said immediately, looking at Ye Qianyue's smiling face.

"Okay, let's call Mo Zhu together." Standing up and walking to Xiao Hei's side, Ye Qianyue patted Xiao Hei's little head, and then went to call Mo Zhu.

"Miss, where are we going?" Seeing Ye Qianyue take the initiative to take her out, Mo Zhu asked happily.

"Go kill the insects." Ye Qianyue didn't go out for three days, and she didn't rush to the Tianhuo Forest when she came out, but walked slowly along the way, and didn't forget to buy some delicious snacks, eat some by herself, and then stuffed Give Mo Zhu and Xiao Hei a little.

Seeing that Ye Qianyue first stuffed herself with some candied fruit, and then stuffed herself with bunches of candied haws, Xiao Hei was speechless.

He just looks like a child, not a real child!This night, Qianyue really fooled him like a child!
Seeing the black line on Xiao Hei's face, Mo Zhu continued to ask curiously, "Miss, what kind of pest, why didn't I see it?" He said, and looked around.

Amused by Mo Zhu's serious look, Ye Qianyue's slender eyes curled up with a smile, "Don't worry, there are so many people, the pests dare not come out, and when we leave Tianhuo City, he will kill you." Can't bear it anymore."

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Mo Zhu blinked his eyes, and then carefully moved to Ye Qianyue's side, "Miss, is there someone following us?"

After being reminded by Ye Qianyue just now, Mo Zhu felt it carefully, and sure enough, he felt a malicious aura in the crowd.

Nodding, Ye Qianyue and the others had already walked out of the city gate.

Holding Mo Zhu with one hand and Xiao Hei with the other, Ye Qianyue accelerated and rushed towards the direction of the Tianhuo Forest.

The speed was extremely fast, and the terrifying speed of Ye Qianyue made a man in black who was following them stunned for a moment.

Fearing that Ye Qianyue and the others would run away, the man in black frowned and rushed out just as quickly.

The skills that Ye Qianyue cultivated are already powerful, even with two people, she can walk like flying.

Never thought that Ye Qianyue would have such a terrifying speed!The man in black tried his best to chase after him, but he couldn't catch up for a while.

Seeing that the distance between himself and Ye Qianyue was getting farther and farther, the man in black gritted his teeth viciously, his speed increased sharply, and rushed into the forest with Ye Qianyue.

"Pfft!" The sudden acceleration made the already pale face of the man in black even more ugly, and a mouthful of blood spurted out immediately.

"Damn it, I lost it!" Looking around for a while, the man in black couldn't see the figures of the three of them, so he cursed fiercely!
(End of this chapter)

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