Chapter 309 Accept Our Sacrifice

Just like that, the old man Xiao Chen didn't let him go, and even took advantage of his serious injury to directly break his limbs!
Now unable to move, Qianying's eyes were beating with a gloomy cold light, looking coldly at the five strong men over there.

Can't guard against Nian Huang's peak-level powerhouse, and now this protective cover has become a decoration!
For a moment, a solemn breath spread in the air, making everyone nervous.

"Hmph, there's an old man here, let me see which of you dares to be presumptuous!" Nan Feng said coldly, with bursts of cold light beating in his sharp eyes.

What are the five Nianhuang powerhouses? In his opinion, they are simply vulnerable!
"Master Nan, we Dark Demons have also heard of your name. As long as you are willing to let go, we Dark Demons are willing to ignore the past and regard you as our honored guest." The old man Xiao Chen also knew that Nan Feng was not easy to mess with. Said such a sentence.

"I don't care for old people! This Si Linyuan is the one I want to keep, and none of you can touch him!" After saying this coldly, Nanfeng waved his hand lightly, and a crimson flame burst into flames. It appeared in the hand, the terrifying temperature instantly dried the surrounding air, even the moisture in the surrounding vegetation was instantly dried, and then spontaneously ignited!
A gloomy light flashed across his eyes, and the old man Xiaochen thought that the strength of Nanfeng must be stronger than they imagined!
"In this case, then don't blame our dark demons for not being sympathetic." After saying this in a cold tone, a strong death energy suddenly erupted from the old man's body, and a huge formation appeared under his feet. "Great Lord Dark Demon, please accept our sacrifice for you!"

As he said that, the old man Xiaochen waved his palm without hesitation, his sharp thought power was like a blade, and he severed off the head of the man in black robe behind him!

Fresh blood spurted out immediately, and the strong smell of blood was mixed with a strong sense of death, sweeping towards the room where Si Linyuan was.

"Don't even think about it!!" Immediately taking a step forward, the flames in Nan Feng's hands swept out and turned into a long dragon. With a roar, it slammed into the blood that was like water.

Seeing this, the old man Xiaochen sneered, and then severely cut off the heads of the other three!

As if they had been prepared from the very beginning, the few people around the old man Xiao Chen didn't resist, they must have already made up their minds when they came!
Such a horrific sacrifice made one's hair stand on end!

However, there was no time to think so much, Nan Feng saw three more terrifying streaks of blood rushing towards him, his brows sharpened, and his other hand met one of them again.

Gu Feng and Ye Rongtian also took a step forward, fiercely resisting a streak of blood!

"It's useless. Those who aren't Nianzong-level powerhouses won't be able to stop our sacrifice!" His eyes were filled with contempt, and the old man's words fell, and two of the blood hit Gufeng and Gufeng fiercely. Ye Rongtian and the two of them.

It's just Nianhuang level, Gufeng and the two can't withstand such a terrible attack!

"Damn it!" Burning a stream of blood into nothingness, Nan Feng's expression turned ugly, knowing that he couldn't stop it!
Just when the two were knocked down and the blood was about to rush into the room, the space around the two streams of blood was instantly locked, and then a space wormhole appeared, and a beautiful figure slowly walked out of it.

(End of this chapter)

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