Chapter 310 Are You Still Alive? !
The fiery red dress was flamboyant, and Ye Qianyue's aura was arrogant and cold, like the flowers of Gaoling, with an admirable aura.

In a year's time, Ye Qianyue has completely transformed, and her appearance is even more beautiful. Just one look is enough to make people fascinated.

The whole person is like the most perfect masterpiece of God, Ye Qianyue is flawless from her eyebrows and eyes to her figure, and her beauty is shockingly beautiful.

The murderous aura around her was like a rainbow, and Ye Qianyue's dark eyes were like cold stars, so fierce that people dare not look directly at them!

Such a woman is even more unforgettable than a year ago! !
In an instant, the air was frozen, and with her chuckle, it dissipated loudly, making it almost impossible to breathe.

Looking at such a perfect woman, the old man Xiao Chen almost subconsciously took a step back.

It was a subconscious action, not what he wanted, but a subconscious fear of facing a powerful person! !
Xiao Hei and Mo Zhu followed closely from the space wormhole, their eyebrows and eyes were equally sharp, and they stared coldly at the old man Xiao Chen in the sky.

"Dark demons are still so arrogant, they haven't made any progress." There was a hint of agility unique to girls in the quiet voice. When Ye Qianyue's words fell, the head looked a little taller than a year ago. Xiao Hei also snorted coldly, and instantly manipulated the space, devouring those two streams of blood mixed with dead energy!
"Ye Qianyue?! You are still alive!" Ye Qianyue was recognized at a glance, and the old man was taken aback, his tone full of horror.

During this year, the dark demons did not collect any news about Ye Qianyue, and there was no news about her even in Tianhuo City.

Although the people in Tianhuo City were still afraid of Ye Qianyue's terrifying strength and cruel methods, they all thought that she died in the Tianhuo Forest.

Unaware that Ye Qianyue had been searching for the remaining two medicinal materials in the Tianhuo Forest for a whole year, the dark demons thought she was already dead! !
However, she did not expect that not only was she alive, but she also became a Nianhuang peak powerhouse in this short period of one year! !

Being able to feel Ye Qianyue's aura that was three points stronger than herself, the old man's eyes were full of fear.

Ye Qianyue's aura is stronger than that of ordinary Nianhuang peak powerhouses, and she is a strong man who is about to step into Nianzong's barrier! !

This kind of strength is much stronger than himself!

Thinking of this, the old man Xiaochen's face became very ugly for a while.

Just as the old man Xiao Shen turned around and was about to run, Xiao Hei waved his hand first.

The surrounding space was instantly locked, and the little black and golden vertical pupils were filled with icy cold light, looking coldly at the old man who was over there.

Shivering fiercely, the old man Xiao Chen didn't even think about it, the spar ball in his hand erupted with terrifying light, the air vibrated accordingly, and it was about to explode! !
After all, this spar ball also stores the energy of some Nianzun-level powerhouses. If it explodes, it will definitely create time to escape! !

Violently smashing the spar ball that was about to explode towards the edge of the space, the old man Xiao Shen also quickly built a mind barrier in front of him.

Accompanied by a loud bang, the locked space was blasted open a crack.

Naturally, he would not let this opportunity go, the old man Xiao Chen used all his strength to strike at the crack, then got through the gap that was only big enough for one person to pass through, and rushed out viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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