The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 320 The Heavenly Venerable of the Dark Demon? !

Chapter 320 The Ten Heavenly Lord of the Dark Demon? !
"Huh, I'm scared to death, but according to the current situation, there should be no possibility..." Looking at Ye Qianyue, Nan Feng just finished speaking when he saw Ye Qianyue suddenly opened her eyes .

The originally dark eyes had been completely replaced by silver and white at this moment, Ye Qianyue's eyes were piercing, and a bright smile appeared on the corners of her bright red lips.

"Found it!" Saying that, Ye Qianyue took a deep breath and clenched her hands in vain!
While the flames were tumbling, the five essences quickly fused at a speed visible to the naked eye, and within a few breaths, they fused into a ball of dark red liquid the size of a fist.

The flame spirit stone and the powder of dragon snake ganoderma also burst apart, and then the color of the liquid was dyed deeper.

"The fusion is successful!" After consuming too much mental power, Ye Qianyue's face looked a little pale at the moment.

However, this did not affect her joy at the moment, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was extremely bright.

"Okay, the last 'sublimation' is left..." He also breathed a sigh of relief, after Nan Feng finished speaking, he suddenly heard a loud bang from outside the door.

The two turned their heads and looked through the window at the huge space wormhole in the sky.

The green thunder shot out fiercely split the protective shield set up by Xiao Hei, and a pitch-black figure appeared in front of everyone.

There are eight bright cold stars under his feet, and the man in black robe in front of him is actually a strong man at the peak of Nian Zun! !

"You are, the Ten Heavenly Lord of the Dark Demon?!" Qian Ying looked at the green thunder and lightning used by the Ten Heavenly Lord, and immediately recognized his identity.

After hearing Qianying's words, Ten Tianzun let out a displeased snort, "Hand over Si Linyuan and Ye Qianyue, and I will spare you all!"

"Arrogance!" Hearing the words, Xiao Hei let out a cold snort, and rushed out with his toes touching the ground.

The pitch-black smoke billowed out, and slapped towards Ten Tianzun fiercely!
"Oh? It's actually a magical beast that can transform..." Looking at Xiao Hei, Ten Heavenly Venerable seemed a little surprised to say this.

Immediately afterwards, he slapped Xiao Hei with his backhand, and the palm of Shi Tianzun beat with lightning, which looked extremely terrifying.

The two palms faced each other, tearing apart the space, and then there was a sudden explosion, causing both of them to take two steps back.

They all looked at each other vigilantly, Shi Tianzun raised his eyebrows, "I didn't expect that Ye Qianyue would be accompanied by such a strong man."

Standing coldly opposite Ten Tianzun, the little black and golden vertical pupils were filled with ferocious killing intent, "I advise you, get out of here."

"Hmph, no one can keep the person we dark demons want to kill!" Saying that, Shi Tianzun ruthlessly crushed the space jade slip in his hand.

A huge space wormhole suddenly appeared behind Shi Tianzun, and then two dark figures walked out.

Standing firmly on the void, the two figures respectfully knelt down facing Shi Tian, ​​"Lord Tianzun!"

"Give me this demon, you go and kill Si Linyuan before he wakes up!" Shi Tianzun said coldly.

"Yes, this subordinate takes orders." Two men with the same appearance, both with cold faces, like creatures without emotion, shot straight towards the room where Si Linyuan was.

They were all at the junior Nianzun level, and two such opponents came at once, which was by no means something Qianying could deal with.

 Ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~ There are at least two more chapters to be updated tonight~~
  If there are a lot of tickets and a lot of rewards, the concubine will definitely add more tonight~~~
(End of this chapter)

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