The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 321 Leave it to the old with peace of mind

Chapter 321 Leave it to the old with peace of mind
Xiao Hei frowned, and wanted to make a move, but was stopped abruptly.

"Your opponent is the deity!" After saying this with a sneer, Ten Tianzun condensed a ball of lightning in his hands, attacking Xiao Hei aggressively.

Frowning fiercely, although Xiao Hei didn't want to entangle with Shi Tianzun, he couldn't resist.

And at the moment Xiao Hei fought back, the two strong Nian Zun also rushed in front of Qian Ying.

Just recovering from a serious injury, Qianying tried her best to block one person, but she couldn't stop the other person.

"Master!!" Seeing that person suddenly rush into the room where Si Linyuan was, Qianying's eyes shrank suddenly.

There was a loud noise in the room, and then a figure was thrown out like a rag sack.

He fell to the ground firmly, and the figure that was blown out was the strong Nian Zun!
"The lifeless thing, the old man is here, let me see who dares to be presumptuous!" Said such a sentence coldly, Nan Feng's eyebrows and eyes were filled with a strong evil spirit, and he stared fiercely at Nian Zun who fell on the ground strong.

Crimson flames lingered around him, Nan Feng waved his hand, and the fiery flames immediately left a long scorched black line in front of the door.

"Whoever crosses this line will die!" Squeezing out such a sentence viciously, Nan Feng stood proudly and looked at the few people over there coldly.

He spat out a mouthful of blood expressionlessly, Nian Zun struggled to stand up from the spot, "Master Nan, our dark demons have always come to see the heavy refining pharmacist, as long as you are willing, our dark demons will promise you prosperity..."

Without waiting for this person to finish speaking, Nanfeng let out a cold snort of disdain, and the surging flames rushed out of his body instantly, and smashed on the chest of the strong Nian Zun.

"Qianying, come here." The spiritual power hit the chest of another strong Nian Zun, and Nanfeng's spiritual power wrapped around Qianying and directly pulled him over.

"Cough, cough cough... Master Nan, don't let these people get close to the master and wife." Qianying's level is only in Nianzong, and it is difficult to fight against the strong Nian Zun, so he struggled to squeeze out such a sentence from his throat.

"You are here, guarding Qianyue. As for those two people, feel free to leave it to the old man." For Nan Feng, dealing with two junior Nian Zun powerhouses is not a problem.

Seeing Qianying nodded firmly, Nanfeng turned to look at Ye Qianyue in the room.

Having already catalyzed the power of the spirit, at this moment, Ye Qianyue's face was covered with cold sweat, holding her breath and concentrating on the last step of sublimation.

Thinking about not letting the dark demons disturb Ye Qianyue as much as possible, Nanfeng touched the ground with his toes, and the flame in his hand rushed towards the two Nianzun powerhouses!

In an instant, the battle situation turned into two sides, both of which refused to give in to each other!
Nanfeng's strength is still a mystery until now. In comparison, his strength is obviously stronger than those two Nianzun powerhouses, so as long as these two are resolved, Nanfeng can join Xiaohei's team. The battle situation, when the time comes to deal with the Ten Heavenly Venerable, it will be no problem!

Ten Tianzun obviously knew this, so every move he made was very ruthless, as if he wanted to get rid of Xiao Hei directly!
How could it be possible for Ten Heavenly Lord to be given such an opportunity? Xiao Hei, as a monster, uses the dark attribute. In comparison, his strength is comparable to that of Ten Heavenly Lord. Naturally, it is impossible to defeat so easily!
(End of this chapter)

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