Chapter 322 Let You Be My Woman
And when the two parties outside were fighting fiercely, Ye Qianyue inside the house was also not easy.

The catalyzed spiritual power was baked by the flames, causing waves of heart-shattering and terrifying pain to pass through Ye Qianyue's mind.

Gritting her teeth and persevering, Ye Qianyue faintly saw that the dead air between Si Linyuan's brows became more and more intense.

If you don't hurry up, the dark demon will definitely counterattack, and then things will be difficult to handle! !

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue took a deep breath, then gritted her teeth and made a fist.

"Give it to me!!" Squeezed out such a sentence from between the teeth, and with Ye Qianyue's movements, the atomized spiritual power gradually penetrated into the potion.

The strong medicinal fragrance came instantly, and then turned into dark red smoke, gradually forming a huge monster above Ye Qianyue's head.

The body was as stable as a rock, and Ye Qianyue remained motionless, watching Yao's body glow with a faint luster, which was extremely moving.

"Roar!" At the same time, the huge monster above also opened a pair of scarlet eyes, staring violently at Ye Qianyue below!

Its strength is comparable to that of an eighth-order monster. If the pill goes mad and destroys the potion, all previous efforts will be in vain.

The flames were still baking the potion, and Ye Qianyue's eyes, which were as cold as stars, danced with a cold light, and the flames rolled in her hands, and she was about to go towards the alchemy beast.

However, before Ye Qianyue could make a move, a dull and strange sneer came from Si Linyuan's direction.

Shocked, Ye Qianyue watched a billowing black mist emerge from between Si Linyuan's brows, and then instantly formed a gloomy figure.

The face as handsome as Si Linyuan was covered with dead silence and ferocity. This person's scarlet eyes danced with tyranny and madness. With a smirk, he looked evilly at Ye Qianyue over there.

She frowned suddenly, Ye Qianyue didn't expect the Dark Demon to appear at this time!

This damn guy is really good at picking his time! !
For a while, there was another enemy like this, which made Ye Qianyue think quickly.

"Ma'am!" Immediately rushed in, Qianying's complexion turned pale, and rushed to Ye Qianyue, "I'll help you."

"Human? Don't come in the way." Seeing Qianying approaching, Dark Demon seemed to be very displeased and said this, then waved his hand lightly,
"This is a struggle between me and this human woman. Others are not allowed to participate."

Following the strange and terrifying sound of the dark demon, the smoke in his hand quickly condensed into a human form.

With cold brows and cold eyes, the dark eyes are empty, but there is a bit of handsomeness, which is the appearance of Qianying.

"Go, play with him." Gently tapped the scarlet mark on the brow of the puppet, and there was a sneer hidden in the Dark Demon's words.

After hearing what the dark demon said, the puppet didn't show any expression on its face, but with a flash of figure, it rushed towards Qianying like an arrow leaving the string.

With a fierce punch, he slammed it heavily towards Qianying.

Without waiting, Qianying gritted her teeth and raised her hand to wrestle with the puppet.

Ye Qianyue looked at the dark demon over there from the beginning to the end, and Ye Qianyue's gaze was very cold, "Get out of Si Linyuan's body."

"It seems that you like this body that should belong to me very much." Stretching out a slightly illusory palm, the dark demon lightly stroked the face that was identical to Si Linyuan's, "Woman, I am very fond of you." Interesting, as long as you stop here, I can let you be my woman..."

(End of this chapter)

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