Chapter 323 Nobody Can Replace Him

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There was a hint of a smile in the gloomy voice, the dark demon's voice seemed to have the power to seduce people's hearts, trembling slightly, as if it wanted to hook people's souls away together.

But these words may be useful to others, but to Ye Qianyue, they are not attractive at all.

There was a hint of malevolence on the beautiful face, Ye Qianyue paused every word, extremely disdainful, "I like Si Linyuan, it has nothing to do with his face, what I like is his person, and you, for the rest of your life It can't become him, let alone replace his existence!"

To Ye Qianyue, Si Linyuan was Si Linyuan, and it was impossible to be replaced by anyone.

What she wants is his essence, his inner person, which has nothing to do with his appearance or skin!

"Why are you so obsessed with obsession? One day, I will become the emperor of this world. At that time, you will be my emperor's woman. Such a good thing, but you don't want to, it really disappoints me..." Darkly The devil's words are still going on, but the pill beast above is on fire.

"Ho, hoo--!" A displeasure roared from its throat, the Pill Beast seemed very displeased that someone dared to ignore it like this, roared immediately, and slapped the Dark Demon fiercely.

"I, I hate being interrupted when I'm talking." Without even looking at the Pill Beast, the Dark Demon narrowed his scarlet eyes lightly, and then waved his hand lightly.

Different from the slow and orderly movements of the Dark Demon, the billowing smoke swallowed the entire Pill Beast in an instant.

A huge mass of pitch-black smoke was like a heavy cloud, tightly enveloping the Pill Beast, and there were bursts of dull sounds.

The painful cry of the beast continued to come from it, and then disappeared quickly.

"Woman, you thought that the potion you refined could awaken Si Linyuan, but you didn't know that the violent energy contained in this alchemy beast is my favorite." There was a strong smile in his tone, The dark demon waved gently towards the smoke above.

He saw that the smoke was sucked back into his body while rolling, and a crimson pill like a longan was also held in his hand.

An incomparably violent breath came, and there were continuous roars of wild beasts in the pills, which were formed by the condensed pill beasts!

Not knowing that the Pill Beast could still condense into such a posture, Ye Qianyue had a bad premonition in her heart, and could only watch the Dark Demon over there vigilantly.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and the dark demon looked at Ye Qianyue, and under her gaze, he opened his mouth and swallowed the pill.

Seeing this, Ye Qianyue frowned fiercely.

As a pharmacist, Ye Qianyue clearly knew how violent the pill beast contained. In her opinion, the dark demon's behavior was tantamount to courting death!
However, the dark demon is not a human being, and swallowing this violent thing, not only has no effect on him, but it is a great tonic.

Can clearly feel that the aura around the dark demon is more powerful, Ye Qianyue saw the scarlet light in the dark demon's eyes became even more fierce, and then smiled cruelly at herself, "Since there are alchemy beasts, Then this potion is useless..."

After hearing what the dark demon said, Ye Qianyue was shocked, and without even thinking about it, she rushed towards the potion quickly.

Under Ye Qianyue's control, the flames around Yao's body soared, and then shot towards her!

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  Continue to ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~
  By the way, I would like to ask for a reward and a five-star praise~
  If there are a lot of tickets and a lot of rewards, the concubine will definitely add more~
(End of this chapter)

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