Chapter 341 I only saw Miss Ye alone

Si Linyuan followed closely behind Ye Qianyue, perfectly playing the role of a guard.

"Stop!" Ye Qianyue was stopped by the guards at the door just as she walked up the steps.

The guard saw that Ye Qianyue was dressed in a red dress without a veil on her face, she didn't look like a believer at all, and doubts arose in her heart.

Just about to ask Ye Qianyue to be interrogated, she took out a silver post and handed it to him.

"Look carefully at this post, and then pass it on to Your Highness the Goddess." Ye Qianyue said lightly.

At first he was puzzled, and then when the guard saw the post clearly, his expression instantly changed from doubt to solemnity.

This silver post is made of pure silver, and only the goddess Ni Na can use the entire temple!

Immediately returning the post to Ye Qianyue respectfully, the guard looked at Ye Qianyue with respect.

"Miss, please wait a moment, I will pass the message right away." After finishing speaking, the guard walked quickly into the temple.

Ye Qianyue and Si Linyuan waited here for a while, and saw the guard walking towards them with a girl who looked like a maid.

The young girl was wearing a white dress, and on her chest was the sun emblem that symbolized the temple. That outfit seemed to be of high quality.

She walked up to Ye Qianyue with a smile, and said respectfully, "Miss Ye, this servant is the maidservant next to the Goddess. Her Highness the Goddess wants to meet Miss Ye in person, and please invite Miss Ye to come with me."

"I'm sorry lady to lead the way." Ye Qianyue said with a shallow smile, her attitude was neither humble nor overbearing.

"His Royal Highness only saw Miss Ye alone, so I had to ask Miss Ye's guards to wait in the waiting room first." The female officer looked at Ye Qianyue who had a calm attitude, and her eyes flashed with admiration.

As expected of a talent that Her Majesty the Goddess favored, just looking at this attitude of not being surprised by honor or disgrace is very commendable.You must know that when ordinary people come to the temple, they all put their status at the lowest level, and their attitude is extremely respectful.

When Si Linyuan heard what the female officer said, a look of coldness flashed across his golden pupils, and just as he was about to say something, he received Ye Qianyue's gaze.

The meaning in that gaze is obvious, everything is under her control, just let him wait at ease.

Helpless, Si Linyuan could only nod his head.

The two entered the hall with the female officer. Since Ye Qianyue was not a believer, the search and interrogation was omitted.

The atmosphere in the resplendent and resplendent hall was solemn and solemn. Many believers in white robes sat and meditated here. After entering the hall, Si Linyuan was led directly to the waiting room by a maid.

Before leaving, Si Linyuan still didn't forget to pinch the back of Xiao Hei's neck in disgust, and threw him aside regardless of his 'meow meow'.

He couldn't go in with Ye Qianyue, and neither could Xiao Hei.

But knowing Xiao Hei's thoughts, Si Linyuan didn't want his woman to stay with other men.

Seeing this, Ye Qianyue couldn't help laughing, and then followed the female officer to the depths of the temple.

Passed through a long corridor, passed a screen, and finally stood in front of a room.

"Miss Ye, Her Majesty the Goddess is waiting for you inside, you can go in." The female officer said, and gently opened the door.

Ye Qianyue stepped into the room with a calm expression, and then the door was closed.

 La la la la la~~~Please ask for a ticket~Ask for a five-star praise~
  There will be more and more emotional scenes in the future~ Babes, don’t hesitate, vote for the concubine a lot~ I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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