Chapter 342 Come and Be My Company
The decoration in the room is simple and simple, it is hard to imagine that His Royal Highness the Goddess would live in such a simple place.

Calmly looking at everything around her, Ye Qianyue sneered slightly in her heart, the place looked very clean, spotless, and there was no trace of living there, obviously it was used to confuse the public.

For fear that others will think that she is extravagant and indulgent, this Younina really likes to play tricks all the time.

"Qianyue, you are finally here." Younina, who was sitting at the table reading a book, raised her head when she heard the movement, and when she saw Ye Qianyue, a look of surprise flashed across her eyes, and she stood up with a smile , walked towards Ye Qianyue.

"His Royal Highness." Ye Qianyue nodded slightly to Younina.

Ordinary people would bow down to a goddess when they saw a goddess, but Ye Qianyue would not kneel to anyone except her parents, and Younina was even more unworthy!

Yunina didn't mind about this, instead she took Ye Qianyue's hand affectionately, "There is no need to be so polite between us, come on, sit down."

As if meeting a friend she hasn't seen for a long time, Younina is kind and enthusiastic, her beautiful eyes are even more crooked with a smile.

Knowing what kind of person Yunina is, Ye Qianyue will not be fooled by her.

"Qianyue, why did you come to me this time? If you need my help, just ask." In fact, I have already guessed what Ye Qianyue is planning to do, but Younina prefers it. Pretending to be innocent and puzzled.

Seeing Younina's hypocritical appearance, Ye Qianyue smiled slightly, as if she couldn't see anything, "Actually, I came this time to ask the goddess to help me enter the temple."

The eyes suddenly lit up, Younina took Ye Qianyue's hand affectionately, "That's great, Qianyue, you are finally willing to come and be my company."

She didn't say at all that she wanted to be by Yunina's side, but Ye Qianyue just nodded and smiled, "Everything is arranged by the goddess."

I especially like Ye Qianyue's obedient appearance, Yunina is really happy.

She probably understands Ye Qianyue's strength. As long as Ye Qianyue can be cultivated into her confidant, then her power will be greater than that of the Son of God. At that time, she must be the one who can become the high priest!
However, she also needs to be careful, she must not let Ye Qianyue's limelight overtake her, if Ye Qianyue is not obedient, she will kill without hesitation!

Knowing that it is still too early to think about these things, Younina looked at Ye Qianyue with a very happy look, "Just three days later, it will be the day when the temple will test the strength of believers. At that time, as long as you pass the test smoothly, you will be able to accompany you I'm left or right."

"Actually, I can also directly arrange you by my side, but there are too many people in the temple, if you don't show your strength to let them see, I'm afraid it won't stop in the future, so I can only wrong you Wait for three more days."

What Yunina said was righteous, but the calculation in her eyes couldn't escape Ye Qianyue's eyes.

What to show her strength to shock other people, it is obviously Younina herself who is interested in her strength, so she did it here on purpose.

Entering the temple is not to do anything to Yunina, Ye Qianyue's goal is the Fire Dragon Crystal, so she doesn't care about these small details at all.

Nodding her head in agreement, Ye Qianyue didn't stay any longer, and left the room directly to find Si Linyuan and Xiao Hei.

 Important notice~~~ From the 15th of this month, that is, next Tuesday, Feier's book will start PK~
  During the PK period, Feier will update at least [-] words every day, so I hope everyone will vote for Feier more!Reward!As long as I can successfully pass the two rounds of PK, Feier will continue to update more! !

  =3=This amount of updates is also very hard for Feier, and I would like to trouble you all to support Feier, your support is the biggest motivation for Feier! ~~
  I love you guys~
(End of this chapter)

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