Chapter 343
She had been waiting in the living room, and as soon as Ye Qianyue entered, Si Linyuan greeted her.

"How about it, did that Goddess make things difficult for you?" Seeing that there was no one around, Si Linyuan opened his mouth, looked around Ye Qianyue nervously, and felt relieved after seeing that she was safe and sound.

"I'm fine, let's go, this is not a place to talk." Straight out of the temple, Ye Qianyue let Xiao Hei lie on her shoulder.

After leaving the temple, Ye Qianyue took Si Linyuan's hand and said with a smile, "Linyuan, you are really worried, that Younina has long wanted to draw me into her camp, and now I take the initiative to send you to her door Come on, how can she make things difficult for me?"

"If you're not by my side, I can't help worrying about you." Interlocking Ye Qianyue's fingers, Si Linyuan only felt that Ye Qianyue's little hand was thin and soft, and he couldn't help but clenched it a bit.

"Me too, I'm also... very worried about you." Afraid of losing to Si Linyuan, Xiao Hei spoke hastily, but at the end he was a little shy.

After so many years of facial paralysis, Xiao Hei is not used to it suddenly opening up.

However, when Si Linyuan talked about love, he was drunk to death, and Xiao Hei naturally didn't want to lag behind.

If you want to chase girls, you must be sweet and flattering, and you also need amazing perseverance and shameless spirit!
"Okay, in order to reward you for worrying about me, I'll take you two to play." Ye Qianyue smiled, "We don't have any other plans for the next three days, so why not have fun and relax. "

Looking at Ye Qianyue's smiling face, everyone and the cat were fascinated, and they all nodded obediently, "Where do you want to go?"

Taking a deep breath of the faint sea smell in the air, Ye Qianyue smiled even wider, "Go and see the sea."


The Fenglan Empire faced the sea, and the sound of the waves slapped on the black reef.

The white seagulls flying in the sky, coupled with the dazzling golden sandy beach under your feet, are really pleasing to the eye.

The air is full of the unique fresh smell of the ocean. The azure sea is like a huge sapphire. It crosses the horizon and almost merges with the sky. It is amazingly beautiful.

Excited light danced in the dark eyes, and Ye Qianyue couldn't help laughing out loud.

She thought that although she had been to the seaside in her previous life, the seas in the 25th century had been completely dried up, and a disgusting stench was spreading out. Some of them were just eerie, without any beauty left.

It is only known from the data that there is a blue sea. After Ye Qianyue came to Canghe Continent, she never had the chance to come here.

It was the first time to see such a beautiful sea, and Ye Qianyue was very excited. She immediately took off her shoes, lifted her skirt, and happily stepped on the waves.

The slightly cold sea water splashed on her feet, making her slightly itchy, which made Ye Qianyue smile.

The long black hair fluttered with the sea breeze, and Ye Qianyue's already beautiful face was full of smiles at the moment, which made her less cold and cold than usual, and gave her a little more of the romance unique to girls.

The red skirt dances continuously with the movements of the feet, and it is particularly conspicuous in front of the blue sea, and it is beautiful and indescribable.

The snow-white jade feet danced in the waves, like a kitten's paw scratching at his heart, making Si Linyuan feel a little itchy.

Looking after Ye Qianyue's figure, Si Linyuan's gilt eyes danced with tender nostalgia.

Just looking at Ye Qianyue's figure, Si Linyuan felt that his heart was unreasonably soft.

(End of this chapter)

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