Chapter 344 I like you the most
Having a great time playing, Ye Qianyue came back to her senses, but saw Si Linyuan walking to her side, then wrapped her arms around her waist, and hugged her all at once.

"Ah Yue, let's get married quickly." Wrapping Ye Qianyue up, Si Linyuan said suddenly.

"What happened all of a sudden?" She stretched out her hand and squeezed Si Linyuan's handsome face. Ye Qianyue was in a good mood and liked Si Linyuan even more.

"There are too many people staring at you." After saying this in a dull tone, Si Linyuan looked around.

Also looking around, Ye Qianyue saw that the people on the beach stopped and stared at her.

No matter men, women, young or old, they all stared blankly at her, obviously captured by her beauty.

"If you are not easy to tolerate, you must also be very attractive." Ye Qianyue said, rubbing Si Linyuan's face.

"Then if I'm like this, I won't recruit people?" Putting down Ye Qianyue, Si Linyuan touched his face covered with medicine powder, staring at Ye Qianyue with his gilt golden eyes, "If I'm like this, you won't Like me?"

Hearing Si Linyuan's muffled voice, Ye Qianyue's heart softened, she couldn't help standing on her tiptoes, and kissed Si Linyuan's face, "I like you the most."

Hearing this, Si Linyuan smiled with satisfaction, and then saw that the people around were still staring at Ye Qianyue, and felt a little displeasure in his heart.

"It seems that it is very necessary for me to maintain my sovereignty and let these people understand that you are mine."

After the words fell, Si Linyuan had already wrapped his arms around Ye Qianyue's soft waist, and then kissed her directly.

When the lips touched, it was as if they could taste a hint of sea water. It was so novel that both of them couldn't help themselves, and the kiss deepened even more.

There is a touch of domineering in the gentleness, Si Linyuan seems to want Ye Qianyue to be tainted with his own flavor, and he refuses to back down in the slightest, further attacking the city and plundering land, as if to take away Ye Qianyue's breath .

The passionate kiss was so hot that everyone around couldn't help but blush for them.

Because of the temple, people in Fenglan Empire are very conservative, no woman dares to take off her shoes and step into the sea, and no woman will kiss a man in public.

For a while, Ye Qianyue felt that the two of them were immoral, but none of the onlookers looked back.

It has to be said that they were attracted.

Both of them are born luminous bodies, and their gestures are full of style. Just one person is enough to make people unable to take their eyes off, not to mention that they are now a couple, surrounded by a strong love, which makes people not pay attention It's all difficult!
Standing on the beach, Xiao Hei really wanted to rush over and grab Hua Si Linyuan's face.

However, he couldn't do it.

He took a step forward anxiously, but when the waves hit, Xiao Hei couldn't help but took a step back.

Just like his cat appearance, Xiao Hei actually doesn't like water very much.

Although in order to keep his body clean, he would take a bath obediently, but the sea water in front of him was salty and fishy, ​​and he struggled for a long time, but he didn't dare to jump into it.

And when Xiao Hei was extremely entangled, the two over there finally separated.

A fine silver thread still connected the two, and then quietly disconnected, making it even more erotic.

Seeing the two looking at each other affectionately, Xiao Hei made up his mind, picked up the thing he found with a 'meow' and jumped onto Ye Qianyue's body with all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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