Chapter 348 Get out of here
Although it is the imperial capital, there is no special monster forest around, so things are just ordinary.

When she was in Tianhuo City, Ye Qianyue had seen too many good things, and now she felt that these things were ordinary.

As for Si Linyuan, he is a person from the previous plane, and he generally doesn't pay attention to things on Canghe Continent.

Xiao Hei's whole cat lay on Ye Qianyue's head, looking boredly at the surrounding vendors.

They are all ordinary things that don't look very eye-catching.

The medicinal materials eaten into the stomach are countless times better than these, so Xiao Hei doesn't take these ordinary things seriously.

After shopping for a long time, she didn't find anything suitable, so Ye Qianyue looked around, "It seems that I can't find it."

"After all, it is also a seventh-grade medicinal material, which is relatively rare." Seeing Ye Qianyue lowered her eyes gently, Si Linyuan smiled and put her arms around her shoulders, "I saw an auction house over there just now, how about ours?" Go there to try your luck?"

Nodding her head, Ye Qianyue was about to pass, but suddenly she smelled a faint fragrance in the air.

The intoxicating fragrance was strong but not pungent, on the contrary, it lifted the spirits and made Ye Qianyue stop all of a sudden.

Looking towards the source of the fragrance, Ye Qianyue immediately spotted a small flower placed on a stall not far away.

The color of ice blue, a total of five soft petals, yellow stamens, constantly release the intoxicating aroma.

Recognizing at a glance that it was the Yulu flower they had been looking for, Ye Qianyue walked to the front of the booth and carefully confirmed the authenticity of the Yulu flower.

After confirming that this is the Yulu flower, Ye Qianyue's mouth immediately evoked a bright smile, "How do you sell this Yulu flower...?"

"I want this Yulu flower!" However, before Ye Qianyue finished speaking, a hand suddenly stretched out and covered the box containing the Yulu flower.

A cold light suddenly appeared in the dark eyes, and Ye Qianyue looked at the man coldly.

I saw that man was wearing a long blue gown. Although his face was handsome, his brows and eyes were filled with bursts of sarcasm, which made people feel very unhappy at first glance.

Seeing this familiar man, Ye Qianyue sneered immediately, "Liu Yasuo, I didn't expect that after such a long time, you still haven't improved at all."

There was a trace of disdain in the cold and pleasant voice, Ye Qianyue's words made the man's body tremble, and then he looked at her with horror.

After more than a year, Ye Qianyue has become more beautiful, especially those slender and dark eyes, dancing with a cool and smart light, which makes people unable to forget at a glance.

Trembling almost subconsciously, Liu Yasuo jumped up from the spot, "Ye Qianyue?! Why are you!"

With a cold snort, Ye Qianyue's disdainful eyes fell on Liu Yasuo, "What does I have to do with you here? Why should I explain to you? Besides, this Yulu flower was the first thing I fell in love with. If you are sensible, compete with me fairly, if not, get out of here quickly and don't get in the way in front of me."

If Liu Yasuo hadn't spoken so domineeringly just now, Ye Qianyue's speech would not be so ugly at the moment.

What she dislikes the most is Liu Yasuo's rampant appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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