Chapter 349
Ye Qianyue's extremely sharp words made Liu Yasuo blushed, and then glared at her viciously, "Ye Qianyue, don't be too arrogant!"

"So what about arrogance, you are just my subordinate." Looking at the Yulu flower, the corners of Ye Qianyue's bright red lips curled up into a sneer, "Still, the last alchemist conference hasn't made you forget Learn the lesson, do you want to try again?"

"You...!" Hearing that Ye Qianyue actually took the initiative to mention this matter to provoke him, Liu Yasuo's face suddenly turned blue and white, which was very ugly!
After he knelt down and confessed his mistake, Liu Yasuo was depressed for a long time. It was also because of that time that he became the laughing stock of the whole academy, and even his former teacher looked down on him.

This time, it was also because his teacher was about to celebrate his birthday, so he wanted to find a cherished medicinal herb to celebrate his teacher's birthday and please his teacher.

But I didn't expect that after finally finding the right medicinal materials, I met Ye Qianyue, the overlord!
"Ye Qianyue, don't go too far, this is the Fenglan Empire, not your empire on which the sun never sets! I advise you not to be so rampant, otherwise..."

"Otherwise it's just like this? You, what can I do?" Looking at Liu Yasuo coldly, Ye Qianyue said that this person really hasn't made any progress at all, and he still can't get on the stage like this.

Seeing Liu Yasuo's face flushed with anger, Ye Qianyue sneered, and then asked the owner of the Yulu flower, "How do you sell this Yulu flower?"

"It needs to be exchanged with a volume of fifth-grade prescriptions and sixth-grade medicinal materials." The vendor didn't care what Liu Yasuo's reaction was, anyway, he would sell Yulu flowers to whoever offered them a good offer.

"A fifth-grade prescription?! There is still a sixth-grade medicinal material! Why don't you just grab it!" Hearing the sky-high price, Liu Yasuo immediately screamed.

"You poor man, if you can't afford it, go away!" The vendor was obviously a mercenary with a bad temper, "If you don't buy it, someone will buy it!"

As he said that, the mercenary looked at Ye Qianyue, "Miss, this is a good thing that I worked so hard to get. It almost cost my life, so I refuse to bargain."

"Yuluhua is indeed precious, but the two things you want together are worth far more than it." Ye Qianyue's tone was very light, and then she gently swept her fingertips over the ring space, and quickly took it out. A scroll of fifth-grade medicine, and another bottle of fifth-grade medicine.

"This is the fifth-grade bone strength potion and its prescription. Although this potion is fifth-grade, it has the miraculous effect of restoring mind power, which is enough to buy your Yulu flower." Ye Qianyue said, putting the prescription and potion together They were all placed in front of the mercenary.

His eyes were straightened, and the mercenary quickly checked the prescription and medicine without even thinking about it. After making sure that there was no problem, he hurriedly put it away, as if he was afraid that Ye Qianyue would regret it.

Mercenaries live a life of licking blood, what they need most is potions that can heal wounds and potions that can quickly restore physical strength.

Ordinary healing medicines can be bought with money, but such medicines that can restore mind power are rare.

Although there was still a gap between what he wanted, the mercenary was still satisfied.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but a smile, and the mercenary stuffed the Yulu flower to Ye Qianyue without hesitation, "Thank you, miss, this Yulu flower will belong to the lady from now on!"

 Hahahaha, I remembered Liu Yasuo, a little scumbag, so I dragged him out again to torture~
  Continue to ask for tickets and rewards~ I love you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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