The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 361 You may not be able to get out alive

Chapter 361 You may not be able to get out alive
There was an icy light in the dark eyes, and Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes fiercely.

Precisely calculating the man's movements, Ye Qianyue tapped her toes lightly on the ground, her body swayed, easily dodged the man's palm, and walked around behind him.

Ye Qianyue snorted coldly, flicked the fingertips under her sleeves lightly, piercing the air with a burst of energy, and hit the man's shoulder fiercely.

Right on the acupuncture point, the man's entire arm was instantly numb to the point where he couldn't move!
Taking a deep breath, the man glared angrily at Ye Qianyue with a sneer on his face, "What are you doing!"

"It's just an eye for an eye." Ye Qianyue gave such a sentence lightly, and Ye Qianyue's eyes were as cold as cold stars, almost seeing through the man's whole body.

I just feel that Ye Qianyue's eyes are chilling, but that man is not a vegetarian either. He frowned and said viciously, "Little girl, you'd better not let me seize the opportunity, or after I go out, I will definitely To make you look good!"

"I'm waiting for you." The corners of Ye Qianyue's lips curled up mockingly, and Ye Qianyue's eyes swept over the big man, "It's just that, with your strength, you may not be able to get out alive."

"Damn girl, what are you talking about?!" He was obviously a grumpy person, the corner of the big man's mouth twitched violently twice, then raised his palm, and slapped Ye Qianyue fiercely!
Slightly turned sideways, Ye Qianyue easily dodged, her cold eyes swept across the man's face with disdain.

"You wait for me!!" Enraged by Ye Qianyue, the big man forced out these two words coldly from between his teeth, and then his mind moved, and a pair of wings of thought power appeared behind him instantly.

It's amazing that he is a junior Nian Wang strongman, and he can have such strength at this age. It's no wonder that the big man is so arrogant.

Not paying attention to the strength of the big man at all, Ye Qianyue stood where she was, quietly watching the big man's next movements.

The big man obviously knew that the other side of the abyss was the entrance to the third floor, and he wanted to use his thoughts to fly directly there, just as Ye Qianyue thought at first.

"Hahahaha, the uncle is the number one! No one can beat me!!" As he spoke, the man's toes hit the ground fiercely, and he rushed out like a shooting star!
The other testers who passed the first level also came to the second level at this moment, and they all saw the man rushing out immediately.

"Oh my god, it's the power of thought that transforms into wings!"

"The speed is so fast, it is worthy of being the strong Nian Wang!"


Hearing the exclamation sound coming from behind, the man felt even more proud at the moment, and his speed was a little faster.

Unlike everyone's amazement, Ye Qianyue's gaze was always on the iron chain that was slightly dangling in the air.

For some reason, Ye Qianyue always felt that these iron chains were not simple...

However, just as the man accelerated, the iron chain that was swaying with the wind suddenly stopped, and froze in place as if frozen.

A dim light flashed across her eyes, and Ye Qianyue yelled inwardly.

And almost at the same time Ye Qianyue realized the danger, the countless iron chains swept towards the man crazily as if they had eyes.

The muffled sound of '咻咻咻' came continuously, the iron chain looked very inconspicuous, but it contained great power, like a sharp iron whip, slammed on the man!

(End of this chapter)

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