Chapter 362
"Ah!!" Also aware of the danger, the man wanted to use his mental power to resist, but he didn't expect his mental power to disappear at this moment, and he couldn't use it at all!

The iron chain slammed on the man's body, causing him to let out a scream.

Unable to use his mind power, the man was directly thrown out by an iron chain, and fell into the abyss below in an instant.

The gust of wind whizzed past, bringing the man's terrified screams, which made everyone present tremble involuntarily.

The abyss in front of him was bottomless, and it was impossible for the man to survive!

It is really terrifying for a Nian Wang powerhouse to fall like this! !

For a moment, everyone present was silent, and no one dared to be the second person to eat crabs.

A strange atmosphere spread among the people, making them not know what to do.

Compared to everyone's panic, Ye Qianyue was very calm.

She had known for a long time that it was impossible to pass the level so easily. How could it be possible to enter a place like a temple just by saying it.

Thinking, Ye Qianyue has quickly taken out a few gold coins from her scepter space.

With a flick of the hand, a gold coin flew out quickly, turned into a streak of light, and shot straight towards the entrance of the third level.

Just like before, the gold coin flew out a little before it was smashed into pieces by the flying chains.

Calculating the trajectory of the iron chain, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes narrowed slightly, and a sharp cold light kept beating in them.

Soon, a gold coin popped up again. Ye Qianyue's goal this time was not the entrance of the third level, but one of the chains.

There was only a crisp sound of gold and iron colliding, and the gold coin hit the iron chain. Although it fell directly into the abyss, it was not attacked by other chains.

Seeing this, everyone except Ye Qianyue couldn't help but shine.

"Hahaha, thank you, Miss Ye, for your reminder!" At that moment, a person laughed out loud and rushed out without using any thought power.

With the first one, there will be the second one, and the third one, and countless people rushed out immediately.

Not in a hurry, Ye Qianyue took back the gold coins in her hand, and looked at the backs of these people with cold eyes.

"A group of idiots, do you really think that it's easy to take advantage of me?" Ye Qianyue smiled softly, with a bit of sarcasm, making the rest of the people who were about to make a move startled, and stared at him with wide eyes. Ye Qianyue.

With a calm smile on her face, Ye Qianyue did not hide the killing intent in her eyes.

But at this moment, the person who rushed out first was the fastest, stepping on the last chain.

However, without waiting for the man to stand still, the chain swayed slightly, and then disappeared in place!

His face changed drastically, and the man's feet were suspended in the air, and he fell straight down!
Goosebumps came up on his back, and the man crushed the number plate in his hand without even thinking about it.

A space wormhole appeared, teleporting that person out instantly.

Everything happened in a split second, if that person hadn't reacted fast enough, I'm afraid he would have died by now!

The other people standing on the chains didn't expect such an accident to happen at all. They all looked at each other in blank dismay, and then saw those chains swept towards them like iron whips!

(End of this chapter)

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