Chapter 363 I order you, wake up
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Not as unprepared as they were at the beginning, those people crushed the number plates in horror. Although some were injured, their lives were not in danger anyway!

All of a sudden, all the people on the iron chain were teleported there, but none of them could pass smoothly!

There was a layer of cold sweat on the back, and the rest of the people felt the fear from the bottom of their hearts.

But when no one dared to step forward, Ye Qianyue tiptoed and rushed out.

The flaming long skirt was constantly dancing by the strong wind. On the cliff, Ye Qianyue's back looked slender, but she was so powerful that one dare not underestimate it! !
They were all dumbfounded, and everyone watched Ye Qianyue jump up immediately.

As if she knew which iron chain was real and which one was fake, Ye Qianyue had already seen through this naive blindfold when she saw the chain's trajectory just now.

After a few jumps, she came to the door of the third level, and Ye Qianyue walked into it without hesitation.

Opening their mouths in astonishment, the remaining dozen or so people looked at the people around them in dismay, and then followed Ye Qianyue's route without hesitation towards the opposite side.


On this side, after Ye Qianyue entered the third level, she felt a puff of mist enveloping her, making her feet go limp, as if her strength had been sucked away!
There was a groan in her heart that something was wrong, Ye Qianyue only felt that her consciousness was also drifting away.

I just felt like I had a long, long dream, and Ye Qianyue didn't know how long she slept.

Her consciousness seemed to have awakened, but Ye Qianyue felt that her eyelids were heavy and she couldn't open them no matter what.

As if all kinds of wires were wrapped around her body, Ye Qianyue could faintly hear the sound of liquid flowing from her ears.

Even her body was uncontrollable, Ye Qianyue frowned tightly, but she was still unable to move.

"How's the situation with number 0001?" Faintly, a man's familiar voice came over.

"The data has been reconstructed. We can confirm that her emotions have been wiped out, and the latest virus has been implanted in her chip. If she has human emotions again in the future, the virus will forcibly erase her memory. , to reset her to a pristine state of health devoid of emotion."

Erase... her emotions?
For a moment, Ye Qianyue didn't realize what happened.

She always felt that there were waves of dull pain coming from her head, which made her almost unable to breathe.

"Human Transformation Unit 0001, Qianye, I order you now, wake up." The man's voice seemed to come from a distance, and Ye Qianyue's body trembled, as if she felt a strong current drilled into her brain Here, her body convulsed uncontrollably.

She is no longer an artificial human in the 25th century, her current name should be, should be...

Forgetting what she was thinking for a while, Ye Qianyue quietly opened those eyes like thick ink.

As calm as an ancient well, those eyes did not have the slightest coldness and arrogance, only a silent indifference remained.

The body finally obeyed, and Ye Qianyue found herself in a huge transparent glass tank.

Surrounded by bright green nutrient solution, there are many monitors connected to Ye Qianyue's body, and the whole person is soaked in the nutrient solution naked, without relying on any oxygen mask. can breathe.

 Today's 7th update is over here~~ Please don't forget to vote for Feier after watching the update~~ It's up to you whether Feier can pass PK~~~
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(End of this chapter)

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