Chapter 364 You Are My Moon
This feeling made Ye Qianyue very uncomfortable, and she couldn't help but struggled.

There were bursts of dull pain in her head, and Ye Qianyue always felt that she had forgotten something.

"Qianye, calm down." Professor Gu stood outside the glass cover and said coldly.

"Qianye, who is it...? It's not, my name." Frowning tightly, Ye Qianyue always felt that she had forgotten something very important.

She was called Qianye a long time ago, but she gave up this name. Her current name... shouldn't be Qianye.

She clearly thought so in her heart, but Ye Qianyue couldn't remember what she was confused about.

Looking at Ye Qianyue holding her head in pain, Professor Gu frowned tightly, and looked at the researchers beside him, "What's going on, doesn't it mean that the system has been redone! "

"It's really strange, logically speaking, there will be no problem. It seems that there is no other way, but to completely erase her memory and completely rebuild the database..." Saying this, the researcher has already pressed the button Red button on the side.

"Ah!" I just felt a burst of electric current rushing into my head suddenly, and the intense dull pain came, making Ye Qianyue lose consciousness in an instant.

When she fainted, Ye Qianyue felt as if her whole body was floating above the clouds, surrounded by blank snow-white.

Wanting to wake up quickly, Ye Qianyue opened her eyes with effort.

With a blurred vision, Ye Qianyue looked at the operating table in front of her.

The fingertips moved involuntarily, and Ye Qianyue touched something cold.

Clutching a sharp and cold scalpel in her hand, Ye Qianyue looked up blankly at the monitor above, and immediately saw Professor Gu who was in charge of monitoring her.

"Qianye, what are you still doing, why don't you hurry up and start the plastic surgery!" Professor Gu seemed very dissatisfied, and immediately gave a cold shout.

It was said that when Ye Qianyue lowered her head again, she found a man lying on the empty operating table.

"I don't want to, I don't want to perform surgery, I don't want to become a robot with no emotions like you!" Struggling frantically, the man looked at Qianye with eyes full of horror and horror.

The familiar words made Ye Qianyue's dark eyes glow slightly cold.

Seeing the panic on the man's face, Ye Qianyue only felt that her heartbeat was gradually accelerating, as if something wanted to break through her heart crazily.

"I'm not Qianye, I'm not Qianye anymore..." Taking a step back, the scalpel in Ye Qianyue's hand fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

But if she wasn't Qianye, who would she be?
Trying hard to remember, trying very hard to remember, Ye Qianyue felt a dull pain in her head, and the sharp pain made her almost unable to stand.

"Ayue, you are my Ayue." At this moment, the man who was struggling on the operating table suddenly spoke, his voice was cold but contained a trace of tenderness, which made Ye Qianyue widen her eyes and look at him.

I saw that the man lying on the operating table was no longer the original man. At this time, the man had a doting smile on his face, and those golden eyes were so deep that it made people sink.

Looking at the handsome man, Ye Qianyue's originally muddy eyes suddenly became clear.

(End of this chapter)

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