Chapter 365 A Space Without Gravity

Coldness and arrogance danced in her eyes, Ye Qianyue stood up straight, took a step forward, bent down and kissed those familiar lips.

"Linyuan, I will always be your Ayue." Facing her boss Linyuan's golden eyes, Ye Qianyue finally remembered everything.

And at this moment, everything around him disappeared like glass shattering! !
The painful memories turned into little stars and disappeared into the darkness around them.

Dressed in a fiery red dress, Ye Qianyue was surrounded by darkness.

Not feeling the slightest fear, a proud smile appeared on Ye Qianyue's beautiful face, "It's just a small illusion, I don't pay attention to it!"

After entering the third floor, she lost consciousness. What Ye Qianyue saw just now must be the illusion produced by the third floor.

Almost bewitched, almost returned to the previous life.

Thinking about it, Ye Qianyue reached out and touched the little earrings on her ears.

A hint of warmth came, making the smile in Ye Qianyue's eyes deeper and deeper.

Thanks to Si Linyuan who reminded her at the last moment and woke her up.

A warm current flowed through the bottom of her heart, and Ye Qianyue watched the door leading to the fourth floor appear in front of her.

As long as you realize that everything in front of you is an illusion, you will be able to pass the third floor, which has stumped countless people.

The target is the treasure after clearing the level. Ye Qianyue walked into the gate without hesitation and came to the fourth floor.

The glaring light struck again, Ye Qianyue was well prepared this time, but she just stretched out her hand to slightly block the light.

The light was fleeting, and a huge barren space also appeared in front of Ye Qianyue.

Surrounded by a faint golden color, there is no sky or earth, only nothingness.

The space is wide and wide, and there are no boundaries around, but Ye Qianyue is just floating above the void!

Goosebumps popped up on her back all of a sudden, and Ye Qianyue was about to summon her thoughts to transform into wings, but she found a feeling of blockage in her meridians.

A dark light flashed across her eyes. If Ye Qianyue used her mind power at this moment, she would definitely break through this barrier. It might have the opposite effect and damage her own meridians, which would be bad.

But when Ye Qianyue was hesitating, her body that was supposed to be falling was floating steadily in the air, without any intention of falling down.

"Is there no gravity in this space?" Ye Qianyue said to herself, moved her body, and then tentatively stood up straight.

The ground under his feet was obviously nothingness, but it supported Ye Qianyue's body like the ground.

Ye Qianyue couldn't help being a little excited by this feeling as if standing in the void.

Standing in the void, this is something only the strong Nianzong can do.

In fact, Ye Qianyue also had an opportunity before to break through the boundaries and become a strong Nianzong, but her strength has improved by leaps and bounds in this year. What hidden danger.

Therefore, Ye Qianyue forcibly endured her desire for strength at that time, and stabilized her strength at the peak level of Nianhuang.

It was also because Ye Qianyue held back her longing that her mind power was stronger than that of ordinary Nianhuang peak powerhouses, which undoubtedly laid a good foundation for the future.

 Update Chapter 2 first~~~ Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~ Say important things three times~~~
  There are at least 5 chapters to be updated tonight~
(End of this chapter)

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