Chapter 382 You Are Lucky

Ye Qianyue looked at this little seed, and the more she looked at it, the more she liked it, and she was very much looking forward to what it would become in the future.

Shi Qi also stared at the little seed in her palm, with an expression of disbelief.

He could clearly feel the powerful energy emanating from that little seed, even he didn't dare to underestimate it!

It never occurred to him that what has been suppressing him all this time is actually such a small seed?

"Girl, it seems that this kind of child likes you very much, you are really lucky." Shi Qi looked at Ye Qianyue and said, with undisguised admiration in his eyes.

Since he was trapped in the test tower, many people will come to the test tower for testing every year.

But no one was able to get out of the fifth floor smoothly, and they all ended in disastrous failures. Many of them couldn't get to the fifth floor at all.

And Ye Qianyue not only went up to the fifth floor, but even got the treasure of the fifth floor. This strength is definitely strong enough.

Looking at Ye Qianyue's peerless little face, Shi Qi suddenly asked, "Girl, how old are you this year?"

With such strength, he shouldn't be too young.

In this world, if one's strength reaches a certain level, one can remain young forever. Killing Seven is an example.

"17 years old." Ye Qianyue said lightly.

Hearing this, Shi Qi's expression suddenly became weird, as if he was greatly shocked.

17 years old!I think he is already a genius among geniuses, but when he was 17 years old, he didn't have the strength of Ye Qianyue!
People are really more popular than people!He really convinced Ye Qianyue this time, this girl can no longer be described as a genius, evildoer, yes, she is a living evildoer.

At the same time, Killing Qi has also strengthened his belief in following Ye Qianyue. He believes that the days of following Ye Qianyue will never be boring in the future, and there will be many unexpected gains.

"Girl, we can get out of this damn place now." Shi Qi said a little excitedly.

He has been imprisoned in this place for too long, and he can't remember what the outside world looks like.

Now he can finally go out, just thinking about it for a while, his mood becomes extremely excited.

Ye Qianyue nodded, and then received the seed in the palm of her hand into the space of the scepter.

There is a spiritual spring in the space of the scepter, and the land is fertile, which is most suitable for its growth.

And after the little seed entered the scepter, it didn't struggle to get out. Instead, it flashed the light on its body happily, and plunged into the ground, unwilling to come out.

After sensing the scene in the scepter space, Ye Qianyue hooked the corners of her lips in satisfaction, sent her thoughts to the scepter space, and said to the little seed, "You can take root here at ease, I will always With you, I will always protect you."

Although the current strength of this seed is already strong against the sky, for Ye Qianyue, she does not regard it as a fighting weapon, but likes it from the bottom of her heart and wants to take care of it.

Feeling Ye Qianyue's heart, the little seed shone again, looking very happy.

Seeing the little seed disappear in Ye Qianyue's hands, Killing Seven sniffed his nose, clearly feeling the powerful vitality emanating from the herbs in the scepter space.

"Girl, you still have good things." Shi Qi said with a smirk, and now he feels that Ye Qianyue is really full of treasures.

 Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~All kinds of tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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