Chapter 383 Let's Go Now

Nodding expressionlessly, Ye Qianyue glanced at Shi Qi, "Didn't you tell me? Let's go now."

"Okay." Killing Qi nodded heavily, and then waved his hand, a golden light rose out of thin air, enveloping him and Ye Qianyue.

In the next moment, the light flashed and rushed out of the test tower, like a brilliant meteor in the bright night.

Ye Qianyue only felt her body lighten, her head suddenly dizzy, and then her feet stepped on the solid ground.

"It finally came out! Hahaha!" Standing under the test tower, Shi Qi looked up at the boundless night sky and couldn't help laughing out loud.

And Ye Qianyue looked around, and finally, she saw a familiar figure approaching from not far away.

Dressed in a black outfit that almost blended into the thick night, Si Linyuan's gilt eyes stared straight at Ye Qianyue, and the corners of his lips couldn't stop rising.

As for Xiao Hei, who was walking beside him, he kept staring at Ye Qianyue, for fear that she might get hurt somewhere.

That's right, after Ye Qianyue entered the test tower, the two of them waited for her to come out near the test tower. They waited for a day and a night without leaving.

Shi Qi also noticed Si Linyuan, and at that moment, a deep look flashed across those eyes.

He could clearly feel the suppressed dark demon in Si Linyuan's body!At the same time, he was also shocked by Si Linyuan's mysterious and unpredictable strength!
It seems that Si Linyuan is not very old, and he is probably even more amazing and decisive than Ye Qianyue! !
However, it takes a lot of pain to imprison the dark demon in his body to achieve the effect of sealing. After so many years, this is the first time he has seen someone really do it.

In his heart, he couldn't help feeling a little admiration for Si Linyuan.

However, even knowing that the dark demon was sealed within Si Linyuan's body, Shi Qi didn't have much expression on his face.

He could tell Si Linyuan's situation at a glance. With his current strength, he couldn't defeat the Dark Demon, so it was useless to rush to get angry.

"Ah Yue, you're here." Walking in front of Ye Qianyue, Si Linyuan naturally raised his hand to touch Ye Qianyue's cheek, and said with a soft smile.

He knew that Ye Qianyue would be able to get out of the test tower smoothly, his own woman, he believed.

"Cut, it's delusional to want to stump Ah Yue in this mere test tower." Xiao Hei also said from the side, and with a quick jump, he jumped onto Ye Qianyue's shoulder and squatted down.

"I've kept you waiting for so long." Ye Qianyue said with a smile, slightly raising the corners of her lips.

Her gentle smile was like a flower blooming in the night, which made Shi Qi startled. He always thought that Ye Qianyue had no other expressions other than a sneer and a deadpan face. It turns out that she also has such on the warm side.

At this time, Si Linyuan and Xiao Hei also noticed Shi Qi.

"who are you?"

"Soul body?"

One person and one beast asked at the same time.

At the same time, they looked at Shi Qi with cold hostility.

Unexpectedly, after Ye Qianyue came out, there was an extra man beside him. Although he looked like a soul body without a body, he was also a man.

Shi Qi was not surprised that Si Linyuan and Xiao Hei could see him. This person and beast are absolutely strong, and their spiritual power must be very strong, so it would be strange if they couldn't see him.

Ye Qianyue took a look at Shi Qi and said, "You should also go to the scepter space first. After I come out of the test tower, news will spread. It will be difficult to handle when people in the temple find you. gone."

(End of this chapter)

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