The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 384 Didn't Disappoint the Goddess

Chapter 384 Didn't Disappoint the Goddess

Shi Qi nodded, and then showed a meaningful smile at Si Linyuan, "Boy, you are barely worthy of this girl."

After finishing speaking, he turned into a golden light and penetrated into Ye Qianyue's scepter space.

"When we leave here, I will explain clearly to you." Seeing that Si Linyuan and Xiao Hei were staring at her, Ye Qianyue said with a helpless smile.

"Hmph, no matter who that guy is, Ah Yue, you can only be mine." Xiao Hei said with a cold snort.

These words immediately earned Si Linyuan a cold, murderous look.

"Ayue is yours? Why didn't I know? I only know that you are a monster, and a monster should find a monster to fall in love with, instead of coveting someone who can't possibly belong to you." Si Linyuan hooked coldly. He said with a corner of his lips, his tone was full of disdain for Xiao Hei.

Immediately furious by this sentence, Xiao Hei's pupils formed a straight line, stared at Si Linyuan and said, "I think you want to fight!"

"Accompany you at any time." Si Linyuan raised his eyebrows and said.

Seeing that the man and the beast started fighting again, Ye Qianyue rubbed the center of her brow weakly. She really had no way to deal with the struggle between them, and she didn't know when the fight would end.

"You..." Just as Ye Qianyue was about to say something, she saw people from the temple walking towards her.

After winking at Si Linyuan and Xiao Hei, they immediately fell silent.

The person who came here was the elder Qinghai of the temple. He ran all the way to Ye Qianyue with a red face, and the few attendants who followed him were exhausted and panting, and they didn't know they were running. How far did it take to get here.

"Miss Ye, have you successfully passed the fifth floor?" Elder Qinghai looked at Ye Qianyue excitedly and said. He just saw that the tower light on the fifth floor went out, so he knew that someone had successfully passed the level, so he ran all the way to catch up. come over.

Ye Qianyue smiled and nodded, expressing her affirmation.

"Great, Miss Ye did not disappoint Her Highness the Goddess." The Elder Qinghai was able to know Ye Qianyue because he was a Goddess. Younina had already greeted him before and asked him to take care of Ye Qianyue. Qianyue.

Originally, Qinghai didn't value Ye Qianyue much, thinking that Ye Qianyue was just a person with outstanding ability, but there were never any shortage of people with outstanding ability in the temple.

But now, his view of Ye Qianyue has changed drastically.

On the fifth floor of the test tower, even Shenzi hadn't passed the test at the beginning, but this young girl in front of him survived safely and seemed to be unscathed. This strength is already beyond his expectations. up.

I sighed in my heart for the insightful eyes of the Goddess, and the elder Qinghai's gaze at Ye Qianyue became more and more admirable.

"Miss Ye, it's already late at night. In this case, you and your friends go to the guest room of our temple to rest for a night. Tomorrow is the day when the results will be announced. I will send someone to summon Miss Ye." Qinghai continued.

However, fortunately it was late at night, otherwise Ye Qianyue would be surrounded by onlookers at this moment.

"Well, then Elder Qinghai will be here." Ye Qianyue said with a light smile, there was still no trace of a smile in her eyes, only a knife-like coldness.

Then, Elder Qinghai arranged for an attendant to take Ye Qianyue and others to the guest room.

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(End of this chapter)

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