Chapter 393

Standing in front of the building, Ye Qianyue stared at the three big characters "Shen Yun Building" written on the plaque of the tall building, and knew that this was her destination today.

"Is your master here?" Looking at the two maids, Ye Qianyue asked lightly.

"Yes, the master has been waiting for a long time, please come with us." The maid lowered her face obediently, and then walked into the building with Ye Qianyue.

After entering the building, a burst of greedy breath spread over in an instant accompanied by strong desire.

Frowning subconsciously, Ye Qianyue covered her mouth and nose with her hands.

I saw countless small spaces separated by thin light-colored gauze curtains.
It's the first time I've seen such a scene. Behind those gauze curtains are two demon. Red long lights, and the dancing firelight in them looks a little bit more hazy when viewed from a distance.
Seeing this, Ye Qianyue snorted coldly with disdain, and the dark eyes were constantly beating with a cold glow of disgust.

It turns out that this Shenyun building is an underground place of love, moon, and place. However, everything in front of me is even more embarrassing than other brothels.

"Tsk tsk, although I already knew that this temple is not a decent place, but I didn't expect it to be so unbearable." At this moment, the figure of Killing Seven slowly floated out of the space of the scepter, looking indifferently Looking at all this in front of him, he said with incomparable disdain.

"The sacred appearance on the surface of the temple is actually to cover up the darkness and embarrassment in front of you with a high-sounding appearance." Ye Qianyue's voice was very soft, and was not noticed by the maid in front.

Naturally, she would not be seduced by the sight in front of her. Ye Qianyue was disdainful in her heart, but her face was calm, and she walked up with the maids indifferently.

On the second floor, although it is not as exposed as the first floor, it is not much better.

Going up to the third floor, it's just ordinary drinking flower wine, which is better than the second floor.

When you get to the fourth floor, you just listen to a little song.

However, compared to the bottom two floors, there are many fewer people on the third and fourth floors. When it comes to the fifth floor, although the lights are bright, it is quiet.

The golden light continuously penetrated from the room, and Ye Qianyue looked carefully, and found that the fifth floor was not without other guests, but only the room in front of her, and the atmosphere in this room was Light and elegant.

Slightly narrowing her eyes, Ye Qianyue said in her heart that the owner of the Shen Yun Building is probably in this room.

The spiritual power came out quietly, and Ye Qianyue really detected a hidden breath.

It feels that there is nothing special about that breath, but Ye Qianyue can still clearly feel the strength of the owner of this breath.

"Kill Qi, hide it well, don't come out unless I tell you." Ye Qianyue said softly.

"Girl, you have to be careful, the people in this room are definitely not kind!" Nodding at the moment, Shi Qi turned into a flash of light after saying this, and quickly hid in the contract space.

 Update three first~~~There will be updates in the afternoon and evening~~~
  A new week has begun~ Dear friends, don’t forget to continue to vote for Feier~~
(End of this chapter)

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