Chapter 394
Just as Shi Qi thought, Ye Qianyue was vigilant, watching the maids push open the door.

A faint fragrance came, refreshing and surrounding her body, making Ye Qianyue, who was sober at first, suddenly feel a little tired.

My heart was startled, and Ye Qianyue didn't even think about it, a burst of fiery flames suddenly surged out of her body, burning the elegant fragrance around her into nothingness in an instant.

The pure air came, making the burnout in Ye Qianyue's mind disappear instantly.

A cold light suddenly appeared in the dark eyes, Ye Qianyue was proficient in medical skills, and immediately noticed that the fragrance wafting in the air just now was a kind of medicine that could make people mentally exhausted.

Although this drug is harmless to the human body, Ye Qianyue does not like this feeling of burnout.

"Hehe, this Shen Yun building is originally a place for relaxing and having fun, why are you so vigilant and lose your interest?" An elegant and melodious voice came, and Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes immediately, and looked not far away .

I saw a magnificent figure sitting on a golden throne on the high platform made of white jade.

The spotless white gorgeous robe was lazily worn on the body, the open collar revealed a large white chest, the black hair was like a waterfall, casually draped over the shoulders, the facial features were as exquisite as the sky, and he was even more enchanting than that woman .

Especially those pair of sparkling peach blossom eyes, flowing with a soul-stirring brilliance, one will fall into his gaze if one is not careful.

The man in white looks like a boneless goblin, lazily leaning on the soft couch, but his aura is as noble as a cloud, making it impossible to feel profane.

For a moment, Ye Qianyue thought that she saw a fairy transformed from burning peach blossoms. Although it was in such a luxurious environment, it did not affect his distinctive noble temperament at all.

When she looked at the man in white calmly, he was also looking at her.

A look of astonishment flashed across the peach blossom eyes, and the man in white was also surprised from the bottom of his heart.

I have long heard that Ye Qianyue's beauty is extraordinary, but now it seems that even the words "beautiful city and country" cannot be used to describe her beauty.

The beauty of Ye Qianyue is not only on the outside, but also a unique brilliance on her body, which is the beauty and charm emanating from her bones. She just stands there quietly, and she is a beautiful picture full of aura .

"I have long heard that Miss Ye's beauty is unique, and seeing her today, she really deserves her reputation." The man in white said with a smile. This smile was like thousands of peach blossoms, and it was indescribably dazzling.

Ye Qianyue still couldn't see any expression, she had already guessed the identity of this man.

"My lord, the son of God, has praised me. I don't know why my lord, the son of God, invited me here?" Ye Qianyue said flatly.

That's right, the man in white sitting on the high platform, surrounded by several beauties in light veils, is the divine son of the temple, Qi Che.

Seeing that Ye Qianyue's expression was calm and there was no wave in her eyes, Qi Che's interest in her became more and more intense.

With a wave of his hand, the music stopped.

"You all retreat." Qi Che gave an order, and the maids in the room immediately filed out of the room.

In a blink of an eye, there were only two people left in this huge room, Ye Qianyue and Qi Che.

 La la la~ There will be an update later~ Because I am not feeling well today, the update will be slower~ The new week is here, everyone, please continue to give me your tickets~ With your support, Feier will update There will be a lot of support~ Another handsome man is on the stage, what kind of sparks will he collide with the heroine?For those who have book coins, please give a small reward as appropriate~
(End of this chapter)

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