Chapter 395 Accompany me for a drink

"Come on, sit down and have a drink with me." Qi Che walked slowly from the high platform to the exquisite sandalwood table, and said to Ye Qianyue.

She didn't know what this Qi Che was doing, but Ye Qianyue knew that this person was definitely not as gentle and approachable as he appeared on the surface.

Not to mention the strength of this person, just saying that this person can actually open such an underground brothel behind the back of the temple, but the temple doesn't care about it, it is enough to prove that this person's mind is also so powerful that it is terrifying .

This point, Ye Qianyue did not predict wrong.

No one knows Qi Che's background, he entered the temple as a casual cultivator, and after only half a year, he sat on the throne of the son of the temple, and was well received by the top leader of the temple, the high priest. The. Pet. Love.

Qi Che is definitely a special existence in the temple. He is close to women, sex and wine. Both of these are forbidden rules of the temple, but he does both, but in the temple No one dared to say a word to him, because the high priest usually lives in seclusion, the affairs of the temple on this mainland are now taken care of by the goddess and the son of God, and the goddess, Yunina and Qiche have always disliked each other In fact, Younina once exposed Qi Che's various debauched behaviors to the high priest, but nothing happened. Qi Che still went his own way, and the high priest turned a blind eye.

That's why Qi Che was able to open such an underground brothel. Younina also knew this, but for the sake of the temple's face, she could only help Qi Che keep this secret.

Except for some diehards in the temple, the others don't know that Qi Che is the boss behind this brothel.

The only thing Ye Qianyue couldn't figure out was, how could Qi Che not pass the fifth floor of the test tower?According to his strength, it shouldn't be.

Although she had doubts in her heart, Ye Qianyue still didn't show any signs of dew on the surface, and walked across from Qi Che with a calm expression, and sat down.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's cold expression throughout, Qi Che's smile deepened.

"You are different from Younina. I invited you here this time just to see Miss Ye's true face. There is no other meaning." Qi Che said lightly, his tone was as gentle as water, and he spoke from the bottom of his heart. I don't like Ye Qianyue showing such cold hostility towards him.

Although Ye Qianyue felt that Qi Che was different from those hypocritical people in the temple, she couldn't develop a slight liking for Qi Che, because in her eyes, a person like Qi Che who was so deep in the city was not suitable for dealing with.

It's just that she didn't expect that Qi Che invited her for such a boring reason?

Curious what she looks like?She can't have one more mouth or one eye than others.

"Master Shenzi has also seen my face. If there is nothing else, I will leave first." Ye Qianyue said, and she was about to stand up and walk out. She didn't want Si Linyuan to wait for her for too long. Moreover, Si Linyuan could hear their conversation here clearly through the ear studs.

Now she could feel the burning sensation from the earrings, and she felt that Si Linyuan's vinegar jar must have been overturned again.

She just stood up and took two steps, when she heard Qi Che's lazy and gentle voice behind her.

"What is the purpose of your coming to the temple? Don't tell me that you are loyal to the temple. This reason is too ridiculous and far-fetched."

 The update is finished today~ Thank you for your support, I love you~ Come on, let today’s ticket pass [-], tomorrow Feier will add more drops~ okay?

(End of this chapter)

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