Chapter 397 Why Does It Pain So Much?
Peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, Qi Che's voice was as sweet as jade colliding, and there were bursts of heart-shattering chuckles, "There has never been anything in this world that I dare not do. Whether you want the head of the high priest, or It directly overturned the entire temple, even if you want this temple to disappear completely in this world, I will help you do it."

Looking up into Qi Che's eyes, Ye Qianyue found that what this person said was actually true, without any falsehood!

This person is so arrogant and confident! !
"Master Shenzi, you don't look like a very kind person." Ye Qianyue asked coldly with her eyes burning.Qi Che's dedication to nothing, must be a conspiracy.

Sure enough, Qi Che smiled.

"Isn't that simple? I'll help you for nothing else but to get you." Qi Che continued softly, "As long as you are willing to be mine." I'll give you whatever you want, woman."

The brows were suddenly frowned, and Ye Qianyue's eyebrows were raised high like a sharp scimitar.

The eyes of this person in front of him are neither fierce nor murderous, but only frivolous and playful.

He really just took a fancy to her face, that's all? !
"Okay..." Dang even evoked a beautiful smile, and Ye Qianyue exhaled like blue, with a beautiful smile on her face.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's beautiful appearance, even Qi Che couldn't help being moved.

Qianyue this night is really the best!Thinking of this, Qi Che became more and more satisfied.

Such a perfect woman will soon be his...

Gently sticking to Qi Che's ear, Ye Qianyue's eyes had no smile at all, she paused every word, with a murderous look, "I don't want anything else, as long as you die!"

Surprised in his heart, Qi Che hadn't enjoyed the ecstasy of a beauty in his arms, but watched Ye Qianyue raise her leg fiercely, using that beautiful knee, forcefully, fiercely, full of murderous intent...

An unprecedented sharp pain came, making Qi Che's handsome face pale at first, then livid, and finally frozen in the pitch black.

"Hmph, today I want to let you know why the flowers are so red!" Ye Qianyue still stomped on Qi Che's feet, and listened to his muffled groan with satisfaction. , directly turned to open the door, and strode away without looking back.

Qi Che, who was left alone, could only squat down silently first, and then pain silently...

Straight away, she rushed out of the Shenyun Building, and Ye Qianyue strode across the long bridge and walked to the long corridor without the other maids leading the way.

Quickly returning to the small building at the beginning, Ye Qianyue's face was full of frost, which melted away the moment she saw Si Linyuan, and the corners of her bright red lips evoked a perfect smile.

"I'm back." Looking at Si Linyuan's gloomy face, Ye Qianyue said with a smile.

"You should kill him directly." Si Linyuan said coldly, his gilt eyes filled with murderous intent.

Knowing that Si Linyuan was referring to Qi Che, Ye Qianyue gave a smirk, a sly light flashed in her pitch-black eyes, "Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to abolish him than to kill him directly? You should have heard that guy Humming sound?"

"It would be better if there were screams." Taking Ye Qianyue's hand without anyone noticing, Si Linyuan looked at his beloved and finally smiled, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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