Chapter 398

"I miss you very much too." Knowing the thoughts and worries hidden in Si Linyuan's words, Ye Qianyue said this immediately.

The two returned to the room with a smile.

Only then did it open, and a black shadow rushed over directly, crashing into Ye Qianyue's arms.

"Ayue, where have you been? I'm really worried about you!" Xiao Hei still looked like the little black cat, lying in Ye Qianyue's arms and raised his head, his big golden eyes were full of words. lonely.

I like Xiao Hei's appearance when he becomes a kitten the most, and Ye Qianyue also found that Xiao Hei in this form likes to act like a baby, unlike when he is in human form, he is always so cold.

"I made you worry. I went out to do some errands just now." Seeing Xiao Hei's wronged look, Ye Qianyue couldn't bear it, and hugged him directly to comfort him.

From Ye Qianyue's point of view, Xiao Hei is just a cute little black cat, but from Si Linyuan's point of view, this guy is his rival in love.

After being touched by Ye Qianyue, Xiao Hei began to snore enjoying himself, and the next second, someone grabbed the back of his neck and threw him out.

"Si Linyuan! No matter what I say today, I will have a showdown with you!" Without even thinking about it, Xiao Hei was already prepared, and landed firmly on the table, his shiny hair standing on end When he got up, Xiao Hei bared his teeth and stared at Si Linyuan aggressively.

"It's just right, after peeling off your skin, I can make a scarf for Ah Yue." After hearing Xiao Hei's words, Si Linyuan did not back down, and put down such a sentence coldly.

Seeing the two people who were at war, Ye Qianyue quickly stood between them and shouted, "No nonsense!"

If it were someone else, Si Linyuan and Xiao Hei would have been angry long ago, but it was Ye Qianyue who stopped them, making them lose their anger all at once.

"Ah Yue, don't be angry. If you want to blame, blame Si Linyuan. He is such a big man, but he still bullies a cat of mine." Xiao Hei knew that the most important thing in chasing girls is to be shameless, so in Ye Qian In front of Yue, he also became very shameless, and jumped directly onto Ye Qianyue's shoulder, rubbing Ye Qianyue's with his furry cheeks.

Seeing this, Si Linyuan raised his eyebrows forcefully, then walked forward without thinking, and kissed Ye Qianyue's cheek.

A kiss didn't count, but Si Linyuan got even worse and hugged Ye Qianyue's soft waist directly.

He was immediately enraged by Si Linyuan, and Xiao Hei let out a vicious cry from his throat.

This Si Linyuan really did it on purpose!Xiao Hei knew that Ye Qianyue had no resistance to his kitten appearance, so he could only use this gesture to get close to her.

So even if he has the ability to become an adult, he can't be like Si Linyuan.

Once he becomes an adult, Ye Qianyue will never allow him to get close to her like he is now, and this Si Linyuan also saw this for sure, so he deliberately showed it off to herself!

"Ah Yue is mine. You don't have to think about it in this life. Of course, you don't have to think about it in the next life." Si Linyuan hugged Ye Qianyue domineeringly, declaring his sovereignty.

Just when Xiao Hei was about to jump up and grab Hua Si Linyuan's handsome face directly, Shi Qi came out faintly from the space of the scepter, "A bunch of brats know how to mess around all day long. It's not as mature as when the old man was young."

 Ask for tickets, please ask for tickets~~ It was almost 200 tickets yesterday~ Babes, keep working hard and the deadline is 12 o'clock in the evening~ If today's tickets can accumulate to 200 tickets, I will add more tickets tomorrow~~
  Come on, babies!Asking for a ticket, asking for a reward, if the treasures with book coins can give the reward, the concubine will be even happier~~Memozha~~
(End of this chapter)

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