Chapter 413

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Hearing the conversation of the disciples from a distance, Si Linyuan's face became more and more gloomy, almost full of murderous intent.

Hearing the footsteps getting closer, Si Linyuan was furious, and quickly put Ye Qianyue's clothes on.

Everyone knows that it is impossible to continue now, and Ye Qianyue's face is equally ugly.

With a ferocious murderous look in her eyes, Ye Qianyue gritted her teeth and said angrily, "When Shi Qi comes back, if I don't beat him up into five colors, I won't be called Ye Qianyue!"

"Don't forget to take me with you when you beat me up." Hearing the footsteps getting closer, after Si Linyuan said this, his figure flashed quickly, and he quickly hid himself.

Slowly getting off the bed, Ye Qianyue's face was stiff, like a thousand years of ice, which made the gods and disciples who rushed in shudder in unison.

"That...Miss, we just heard a loud voice coming from your side." One of the daring apostles looked at the door that had been completely broken into pieces, and said courageously.

The sharp eyes swept across like sharp knives, and immediately made those disciples shudder fiercely.

"It's just a failure to refine the medicine, you all step back." Ye Qianyue said with the little patience left as she watched the disciples remain as still as a cicada.

"But, but we didn't see the medicine cauldron..." one of the disciples swallowed nervously, and said weakly.

It is also common for pharmacists to blow up the furnace, but once the furnace is blown up, it is not good to say that the medicine will be destroyed and people will die.

The door of this room was blown up like this, it can be seen that the explosion was not small, but Ye Qianyue was not at all in a panic, except for... that dark face, she didn't look like she was blown up at all.

But just after the disciple's words came out, Ye Qianyue glanced at her, and murderous aura surged all over her body, scaring the disciples to scream, and then quickly backed away, never daring to ask any more questions!
Although the disciples didn't know why Ye Qianyue was angry, they clearly felt that as long as they delayed for a second, Ye Qianyue would take action and chop them all into meat paste!

With a cold snort, Ye Qianyue watched Si Linyuan fall easily from the eaves.

The expression was also very ugly, Si Linyuan pulled Ye Qianyue's collar closer, "I'm the one who was in a hurry..."

"It's not that you are in a hurry." Ye Qianyue threw herself directly into Si Linyuan's firm and warm embrace, "I am also in a hurry like you."

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, the corners of Si Linyuan's lips curled up, showing a gentle smile, and hugged Ye Qianyue tightly in his arms, "It's okay, we still have a lot of time in the future, don't rush .”

"En." Looking up, Ye Qianyue stood on tiptoe, bit Si Linyuan's lip, and said inarticulately, "Anyway, no matter what, you are already mine."

One bite, with a lot of strength, left a clear tooth mark on Si Linyuan's lips.

His eyes darkened, Si Linyuan turned his back on the guest, and kissed Ye Qianyue until she was out of breath before finally letting go.

Still licking the corners of his lips, Si Linyuan smiled charmingly, his voice was low and intoxicating like fine wine, "I will eat you up one day."

"Okay, but, I don't know who will eat who." With a smirk, Ye Qianyue hugged Si Linyuan even tighter, feeling her lover's breath, and did not let go for a long, long time...

 I can’t eat it, I can’t eat it~~ I just can’t eat it~~ Killing the Seventh is God’s trouble, there is nothing~~
  Thank you for the baby who rewarded Feier with 999 book coins~ I would like to thank you specially, come, come and give me a big kiss =3=
  I love you guys, please give me a lot of tickets and give me a lot of rewards, Feier will continue to add updates tomorrow~~
(End of this chapter)

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