The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 414 Fascinated by the face of ten thousand girls

Chapter 414 Fascinated by Thousands of Girls' Faces
Early the next morning, the members of Ye Qianyue and his party sat on the amphibious beasts prepared for them by the temple.

Compared with flying birds and wildebeests, trinidads can fly in the sky, swim in the water, and run on the ground. They are all-around monsters, and they are the best for traveling.

Similarly, three-dimensional beasts are also more precious, and the price of twenty flying birds is no more than one three-dimensional beast, which shows how rich and powerful the temple is.

Refusing the temple to send other disciples as helpers, Ye Qianyue felt that these people were in the way.

Anyway, Xiao Hei's body is a very powerful monster. With it, it is not difficult to control the monster, not to mention that Ye Qianyue is also a beast tamer.

Sitting upright on the head of the trinity beast with a small body, Xiao Hei glanced at Shi Qi who floated over faintly.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but Xiao Hei was almost taken aback when he saw it.

I saw that Shi Qi's handsome face was covered with large and small bruises, the whole face looked blue and purple, and there were traces of blood oozing from some places, it was simply miserable.

Especially those beautiful eyes that were originally emeralds were directly beaten into panda eyes at this moment, not to mention the swollen Lao Gao, even the snow-white and soft hair was rubbed into chicken coops.

Really, it's ugly! !
Disgusted in his heart, Xiao Hei shook his tail without a trace, and stepped back a little, "Who are you fighting with? You made such a miserable appearance."

"Hey, Xiao Hei, you are the only one who cares about this old man!" Regardless of whether Xiao Hei dislikes himself or not, Shi Qi hugged Xiao Hei with a bear, and then threw all his snot and tears on Xiao Hei's face. On the body, "Listen to the old man, Ye Qianyue and Si Linyuan, those couples are simply not human! The old man is already such an old man, and he is still a soul body. Don't they know how to take more care of him? I don’t know how to respect the old man at all, beat me up as soon as I say, and still use so much force, look at this handsome face of the old man, how can I see people in the future!”

Disgusted, Xiao Hei slapped Shi Qi's face with his paw, then gave him another kick, and jumped to the ground.

As if he didn't hear Shi Qi's screams, Xiao Hei glanced at him indifferently, and said seriously, "What's wrong with your face? I think you look much better now than before."

Hearing Xiao Hei's words, Shi Qi narrowed his swollen eyes and hummed, "Xiao Hei Hei, I really love you!"

Tilting his head in confusion, Xiao Hei continued listening to Shi Qi's faint opening.

"Such a young beast is actually blind!"

It can be regarded as hearing the meaning of Shi Qi, Xiao Hei gave a "meow" and gave Shi Qi a paw.

"Ah, the face of the old man, the face of the old man who has fascinated thousands of girls!"

Regardless of Shi Qi's ghost roar, Xiao Hei told the Sanqi Beast to continue on its way, and then walked directly towards the small building on the Sanqi Beast's back.

The amphibious beast is very large, so it is like a flying bird, with a place on its body that can rest, similar to a station.

With his tail stretched out, he opened the door, and Xiao Hei went directly to the room where Ye Qianyue was, and forcibly squeezed beside her and Si Linyuan, disturbing their closeness.

I didn't even think about what to do on the road. After Ye Qianyue got used to it a little bit, she drove out all the people and beasts, and started refining medicine in the room by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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