Chapter 423

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(Finally, Concubine Fang has something to say, remember to read it~)

It is rare for Xiao Hei and Ye Qianyue to be so close. Si Linyuan looked at Xiao Hei with a hint of admiration in his golden eyes, "It's the first time I think you look so pleasing to the eye."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei stood up like a human being, then stretched out a paw, and gave Si Linyuan a middle finger with contemptuous eyes.

This gesture was learned from Ye Qianyue. Xiao Hei felt that he could not speak, and this gesture best showed his disgust and disdain at the moment.

Hmph, I don't need you to look pleasing to the eye!

As soon as he read such a sentence from Xiao Hei's eyes, Si Linyuan's eyes were dark and evil, and then he waved his hand without thinking.

There was a faint smile on his face, but Si Linyuan's hand was filled with fiery red thoughts, and he quickly wrapped Xiao Hei's whole cat in it.

With a sound of 'meow', Xiao Hei's hair stood up all over his body, his expression was sharp, and he wanted to break through the surrounding thoughts, but Si Linyuan had already ruthlessly thrown him out.

He flew out directly, Xiao Hei let out a scream, and then smashed hard on the members of the Nine Dragon Mercenary Group who rushed over.

Although Si Linyuan hit casually, it was enough to make those regiment members feel uncomfortable!

With one scream after another, the members of the group who were smashed turned their backs and fell to the ground one by one, crying uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry, my hand slipped a bit." There was no apology in the words, and the corner of Si Linyuan's lips always evoked a faint smile, adding a touch of triumph and arrogance to his mediocre face.

Obviously arrogant, but not arrogant.

He was already above ten thousand people, and it was only natural that he possessed such arrogance, and no one would feel that it was wrong.

Seeing that Si Linyuan's random shot made all his subordinates have no strength to fight back, Nalan Rongze couldn't care less about the pain on his face, his expression became slightly stiff, and he looked at Si Linyuan.

The gilt golden eyes were exceptionally cold, with a hint of arrogance unique to a king, and slowly glanced across, looking at these people as if they were looking at ants.

This is not unfounded frivolity, but the unique indifference of people in high positions.

It's not that he is proud of himself alone, but that these people are simply invisible to him!

The expression froze in an instant, and Nalan Rongze finally understood why Ye Qianyue liked her boss Linyuan at this moment.

But, so what if he likes it, everything is still uncertain, he still has a chance.

Thinking about it, Nalan Rongze took a step forward, and took the initiative to talk to Ye Qianyue about the news they got about the ancient ruins.

Unlike Ye Qianyue, who is so insensitive to feelings, Nalan Rongze can tell that Ye Qianyue doesn't have the slightest liking for him.

Compared with sweet words, Ye Qianyue prefers more practical things, so Nalan Rongze chose to start from this aspect, and took the initiative to talk to Ye Qianyue about the ancient ruins.

Sure enough, as Nalan Rongze guessed, Ye Qianyue did not refuse, but listened carefully.

"The ancient relics are opened every 300 years, and each time it is opened for only five days. In such a short period of time, no one can completely walk around the relics. According to rumors, when the relics are opened, there will be dog food Month, the miracle of the seven stars connected. Every time the ruins are opened, the major forces will send people, and the target is naturally the phoenix soul flint in the deepest part of the ruins..."

 Here, especially talk to the babies about the update~~
  Many relatives feel that there are too few updates for Fei'er. In fact, Fei'er's daily updates are very normal. Even if she is unwell, she has never stopped updating. The body cannot bear too much workload.

  Because~ Concubine is four months pregnant~~~ (shy face
  Almost as soon as this article was published, Fei'er was pregnant with a baby, and the family members have said countless times to tell Fei'er not to continue typing.

  Concubine needs to sit in front of the computer to code every day. Radiation is not good for babies, so Concubine can only try her best to update you, and I hope you can understand Concubine~
  It is also because of your constant support that Feier did not give up. Here I would like to thank you all, and I hope that all of you can be sympathetic to Feier and respect the fruits of my labor. Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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