The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 424 In order to get the phoenix soul flint

Chapter 424 In order to get the phoenix soul flint
As soon as Nalan Rongze said these words, Ye Qianyue's eyes suddenly deepened.

So many people present are all here for the Phoenix Soul Flint...

The spiritual power seeped out, and Ye Qianyue faintly felt the aura of several Nianzong peak powerhouses in the crowd, which showed that other forces also planned to do their best.

"There are many good treasures in the ancient ruins, but those things are nothing compared to the Phoenix Soul Flint. After all, the Phoenix Soul Flint can be compared with the Fire Dragon Crystal in the temple, no matter which force gets it , is undoubtedly an excellent thing for them.”

Agreeing with Nalan Rongze's words, Ye Qianyue finally wanted to understand why the high priest was so obsessed with this thing.

It would be fine if the temple got it, but if other forces got it, they would inevitably rise up with the help of its power, and it would definitely become a serious problem for the temple.

On the contrary, the temple already has a fire dragon crystal, if there is another phoenix soul flint, I am afraid that there is no force on the entire continent that can compete with the temple. mainland.

With such vigorous ambition, it can be seen that this high priest must not be a kind person.

"Miss Ye must have come here this time to get the phoenix soul flint, right?" Nalan Rongze's eyes glowed, and his gentle voice was like a spring breeze, which also caused some waves to appear in Ye Qianyue's eyes.

"Why, isn't the young regiment leader the same?" While admitting it, Ye Qianyue asked back, Ye Qianyue was very curious whether Nalan Rongze chose the alliance or the Phoenix Soul Flint.

Looking at Ye Qianyue's guarded look, Nalan Rongze smiled unchanged, "Before I came to the ruins, my father did tell me so, but I feel that no matter how important the Phoenix Soul Fire Stone is, It's also important, but Miss Ye's trust in me. So please rest assured, Miss Ye, I will definitely abide by what I promised Miss Ye, so please don't be so wary of me, otherwise, I will feel really sad ..."

Seeing that Ye Qianyue was still looking at her with clear eyes, Nalan Rongze looked really disappointed and lowered his head.

In her previous life, she had no emotions, and she was surrounded by modified human beings who had no emotions. With Ye Qianyue's rough nerves, she couldn't feel Nalan Rongze's compromising, and she was actually pursuing her tactfully.

Except for the mutual love with Si Linyuan, Ye Qianyue is really slow to the point of astonishingly slow when it comes to feelings. '

However, this can not blame her.

After she came to Canghe Continent and became Ye Qianyue, she gradually developed feelings, and she didn't even notice other people's love for her.What's more, Nalan Rongze didn't confess his love to her clearly, so Ye Qianyue naturally wouldn't think in that direction.

At this moment, she just felt puzzled, and she was still very puzzled. She couldn't understand why Nalan Rongze was sad...

Seeing Ye Qianyue looking at him puzzled, Nalan Rongze remembered that Ye Qianyue was particularly slow in this regard.

Now that the decision has been made, Nalan Rongze simply made up his mind and plans to tell Ye Qianyue directly how much he loves her!

Thinking of this, Nalan Rongze was very nervous, his palms were sweating, and even his handsome face was flushed.

(End of this chapter)

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