Chapter 425 It must be almost done

Growing up so big, countless women fell in love with him, and he was able to reject these women politely, but it was the first time for him to talk about courtship!
However, without giving Nalan Rongze a chance to finish his nervousness, a figure walked over and stood between him and Ye Qianyue.

"Mr. Nalan's words are nice to hear. I don't think you gave up the Phoenix Soul Flint, but you are afraid that this thing will make people jealous after you get it." Si Linyuan's gilt eyes were sharp and cold. He stared at Nalan Rongze coldly.

The nervousness in his heart was shattered by Si Linyuan's words, and the pink bubbles all over Nalan Rongze's body disappeared, watching Si Linyuan speak again.

"To form an alliance is to form an alliance. I also hope that the head of the young regiment will not have any other thoughts. Otherwise, there may be no place for the Nine Dragons Mercenary Group to gain a foothold in the Canghe Continent." Cold, the bloodthirsty smile on the corner of Si Linyuan's mouth, obviously not joking!

This man is actually serious!
"Sir, you are joking. I will definitely not betray Miss Ye." Nalan Rongze said cautiously.

"That's the best." After speaking, Si Linyuan turned to look at Ye Qianyue, already putting on a smiling face, "Okay, Ah Yue, let's go over there and take a rest, the ruins will be opened soon. "

Nodding, Ye Qianyue picked up Xiao Hei, followed Si Linyuan to choose a big tree at random, and sat under the tree to rest.

After leaving the temple, Ye Qianyue had already changed out of the snow-white dress that made her uncomfortable, and put on a red dress.

Quietly closing her eyes, Ye Qianyue leaned obediently on Si Linyuan's shoulder, motionless.

And Xiao Hei couldn't transform into a human form in front of so many people, but it wasn't that stupid either. It curled up on Ye Qianyue's lap and fell asleep together.

The worst of them all was Nalan Rongze.

Seeing that Xiao Hei can get along with Ye Qianyue intimately, Nalan Rongze expressed resentment.

After complaining for a long time like this, as the sky continued to darken, the bright moon also broke through the clouds and appeared in front of everyone.

The surrounding area was empty, and the silver-white moonlight scattered down, hazyly dyeing the sand dunes with a layer of tulle, which looked extraordinarily moving.

Because the moonlight is brighter than usual, all the stars in the sky are much dimmer, making it difficult to detect.

Accompanied by the pouring moonlight, the pale golden enchantment also appeared in front of everyone with waves.

The sacred tree swayed gently with the night wind, and golden light spots continuously diffused out, and then covered the barrier, like countless fireflies flying by, the beauty without losing that trace of dream.

The energy of the world vibrated at this moment, Ye Qianyue's eyelashes trembled slightly when she noticed the changes around her, and then opened her eyes.

The dark eyes are calm, bright like the most precious gem in the world, beating with intoxicating light.

"Looking at the movement, it must be almost the same..." Standing up together with Si Linyuan, Ye Qianyue raised her head, her eyes fixed on the bright moon in the sky.

Like Ye Qianyue, the people around were also extremely nervous, staring at the moon in the sky.

Seeing the bright moon getting brighter and brighter, everyone held their breath and waited quietly.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the moon in the sky burst into a burst of brilliance like ripples, and then quickly dispersed, shaking the starry sky all day long.

(End of this chapter)

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