The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 456 The first person who eats crabs

Chapter 456 The first person to eat crabs
"Remember next time, you have to find a place where no one is around." Nesting playfully in Si Linyuan's arms, Ye Qianyue looked up at Si Linyuan, with a hint of coquettishness in her words, " Lin Yuan, can you carry me away?"

"Okay, you can do whatever you want." Although there was only a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, the pampering in Si Linyuan's eyes did not escape Ye Qianyue's eyes.

Effortlessly hugging Princess Ye Qianyue, Si Linyuan frowned in dissatisfaction, "Ah Yue, you are too thin."

"Then I'll eat more in the future, and I'll become a ball, pressing you down every day." Ye Qianyue said jokingly with a wicked smile in her dark eyes.

However, facing Ye Qianyue's soft teasing, Si Linyuan raised his brows sharply, and then showed a wicked smile, "Don't worry, when the two of you are alone, only I will hold your back." share."

After thinking about a lot of things at once, Ye Qianyue reached out and poked Si Linyuan's firm chest, "You rascal."

"There will be more rogues in the future." Meaning, Si Linyuan looked like a big bad wolf full of evil spirit at the moment.

However, Ye Qianyue is not a weak little white rabbit.

Stretching out her tender lotus-like arms, Ye Qianyue wrapped her arms around Si Linyuan's neck, and forcefully gnawed a shallow tooth mark on his face.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's mischievous look, Si Linyuan was not annoyed, but felt that Ye Qianyue like this became more and more lovable.

In front of others, she always looks cold and indifferent, but such Ye Qianyue will show such a coquettish and shameless look in front of him, which really makes him more fascinated by her.

However, in the same way, Si Linyuan can only be so gentle and pampered when facing Ye Qianyue.

The two of them returned to everyone's side in such a sticky manner.

Seeing her eldest brother's face suddenly gloomy, Ye Qianyue also gave a wink, and immediately left Si Linyuan's embrace.

Although the Ye family has accepted Si Linyuan, it doesn't mean they don't mind watching her make out with Si Linyuan.

After all, Si Linyuan also has a criminal record, so Ye Qianfeng's reaction is understandable.

Regarding this, Si Linyuan was so regretful that his stomach turned green.

Pulling La Si Linyuan's hand to show comfort, Ye Qianyue was about to go to the forest to find some useful herbs, but was suddenly stopped by someone.

"Ye, Miss Ye, thank you for saving us just now, this is a little thank you to Miss Ye, please accept it!" Ye Qianfeng's junior Zhou Yeli was holding a bunch of fiery red flowers in his hand, Said to Ye Qianyue with a red face.

Obviously very nervous, Zhou Yeli blushed like a big boiled crab, and even stuttered when speaking.

Especially when Zhou Yeli met Ye Qianyue's bright and dark eyes, he was even more shy, and the admiration in his heart increased a little.

The people around were surprised when they saw Zhou Yeli's actions, but they still looked forward to it.

To be honest, a woman like Ye Qianyue is irresistible to a man, and everyone has the same thoughts as Zhou Yeli, but they don't have the guts like him.

Now that Zhou Yeli took the initiative and became the first person to eat crabs, everyone wanted to see how Ye Qianyue would react.

(End of this chapter)

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