Chapter 457 She is my woman
Looking at Zhou Yeli who was flushed, as if he mustered up his courage, Ye Qianyue's eyes were full of clarity.

Zhou Yeli is indeed very brave, but this cannot change the fact that Ye Qianyue will reject him.

With Si Linyuan beside Ye Qianyue, how could she accept flowers from other men?

Without even thinking about it, Ye Qianyue was about to refuse, but was suddenly hugged into her arms.

Even the flowers in front of him were snatched away, and then they were directly burned into a ball of scorched black.

You don't need to think about who it is, Ye Qianyue raised her head, her eyes were a little watery, and she looked at Si Linyuan, who was holding her tightly in her arms, with a cold murderous expression on her face.

With a light glance, Si Linyuan's gilt eyes danced with a faint murderous intent, and the aura around him was even more threatening.

The fierce and piercing gaze was like a sharp knife, ruthlessly cutting Zhou Yeli's heart that was ready to move, as if a big hole had been opened in his body, and the cold wind poured in, making him shiver uncontrollably stand up.

The aura around him was like a scourge, and it was like a Mount Tai pressing down, pressing down fiercely, making Zhou Yeli's feet go limp, and the whole person sat on the ground paralyzed.

Breaking out in a cold sweat in horror, Zhou Yeli watched Si Linyuan's lips move slightly, and uttered a sentence like spitting out ice cubes, "She is my woman, no matter who is interested in her, only A dead end."

The bone-chilling words made all the men who had a beautiful fantasy about Ye Qianyue feel terrified, and tremblingly suppressed their eagerness to move.

Although the goddess is good, her life is undoubtedly more important!
After listening to Si Linyuan's words, Nalan Rongze's eyes danced with complex lights, and then he looked at Ye Qianyue.

Nalan Rongze very much hoped that Ye Qianyue could deny Si Linyuan's words.

However, completely different from what Nalan Rongze expected, Ye Qianyue did not resist from the beginning to the end.

And Zhou Yeli was even more frightened by the coldness and seriousness in Si Linyuan's eyes. His feet went limp, and he quickly admitted his mistake, then got up tremblingly, and ran away in a hurry, afraid that he would be one step too late. Yuan would kill him directly.

In her previous life, there had never been a relationship between a man and a woman. Ye Qianyue liked that Si Linyuan valued her so much, and appeared by her side as a husband to help her ward off all rotten love affairs.

"I don't like flowers." Seeing that Si Linyuan still had a gloomy and cold face, Ye Qianyue didn't like seeing Si Linyuan like this, what she liked was the one who would smile at her and only treat her tenderly The overflowing Si Linyuan.

Thinking about it, Ye Qianyue's eyes sparkled, she gently stretched out her hand, and clasped fingers with Si Linyuan.

I just felt that Ye Qianyue's small movements were like a cat's claws stretching out, scratching her chest heavily. Si Linyuan immediately lowered his head and looked at her.

"I don't like flowers, I only like you." All the love in my heart was expressed in such a sentence. I have to say that Ye Qianyue's words made Si Linyuan very happy, and immediately closed his eyes. Indifferently, he smiled at Ye Qianyue.

"Of course, you are mine." Domineeringly declaring his sovereignty, Si Linyuan kissed Ye Qianyue's upper lips lovingly and lovingly under the gaze of everyone.

But the tenderness of the two fell in the eyes of others, but it made all the men present envious.

(End of this chapter)

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