Chapter 471 You Will Like It

"You did apologize, but there is no need for me to forgive you." Ye Qianyue's eyes throbbed coldly, extremely cold, "It is my kindness to forgive you, and it is my duty not to forgive you."

If the problem can be solved simply by apologizing, then there will be no such thing as the weak and the strong in this world!

Because of Ye Qianfeng, Ye Qianyue was already murderous towards Liu Ruyan, she wanted to kill Liu Ruyan after she figured out the relic, but Liu Ruyan didn't want to, so she sent it to her door to torture her.

The opportunity has been used up, now, even if Liu Ruyan kneels down and kowtows to her to apologize, she will not frown!
She is so stubborn, she will never change what she believes in!

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue used force to remove Liu Ruyan's entire hand.

Where the bones were broken, even the incisions on the skin were extraordinarily neat, making it look even more terrifying.

Surging blood gushed out, and Liu Ruyan clenched her teeth forcefully until a sharp pain came from her tongue!
There was only a muffled sound, and Liu Ruyan groaned, and actually bit off half of his tongue directly!

She would rather bite her tongue and commit suicide than endure such pain again!

"I originally thought of cutting off your tongue at the end, but I didn't expect you to be so impatient." Seeing Liu Ruyan's intent on dying, Ye Qianyue smiled coldly.

With a smile full of murderous intent and seven parts mocking, Ye Qianyue pried open Liu Ruyan's mouth to let the blood flow down, and not let the blood block her breathing.

wanna die?It's not that easy!

Liu Ruyan made a mistake, and it is definitely not something that can be solved by death!

Thinking of her elder brother almost being buried under the swarm of extremely poisonous bees, and thinking of Liu Ruyan's ignorant attempt to seduce Si Linyuan, Ye Qianyue did not hesitate to strike again.

This time, Liu Ruyan's remaining arm and two thighs were cut off at once. Because of Ye Qianyue's anger, the cold light flashed in her eyes, but the movements of her hands were faster.

The angrier she was, the calmer Ye Qianyue became.

This time he couldn't even scream, Liu Ruyan wailed, as if begging for mercy.

She really regretted it, she shouldn't have provoked Ye Qianyue, this woman is a devil at all!
Completely forgetting what a vicious thing he had done, Liu Ruyan was tortured by severe pain, and only wanted to die quickly so that he wouldn't have to endure such severe pain anymore.

"Ah Yue." At this moment, Si Linyuan came forward with a smile, looking at the hideous blood all over the ground, but his eyes were calm, "Give her this thing to drink, trust me, you will like it. "

"No, no..." Looking at the jade bottle in Si Linyuan's hand, Liu Ruyan's eyes were filled with panic, and she shook her head crazily in fear.

Although she didn't know what was in this jade bottle, Liu Ruyan was sure that it was something that would make her even crazier!

Liu Ruyan thought that Ye Qianyue was the only one who would torture her like this, but she didn't expect that Si Linyuan would also participate in it!
Liu Ruyan didn't know that Si Linyuan always had to report his flaws, and when she sent her to her door desperately, Si Linyuan had already made up his mind to kill.

However, Ye Qianyue wanted to torture her, so Si Linyuan gave way to his dear lady.

There was no chance to resist at all, and Liu Ruyan was given the medicine in the medicine bottle.

Then, following Ye Qianyue's slash, Liu Ruyan felt a sharp pain from the wound that was more than ten times worse than before. It was so sharp, like a saw rubbing against her bones, so hard, almost The pain engraved on every part of her body was so painful that her sweat fell like rain, and she couldn't even scream.

(End of this chapter)

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