Chapter 472 I Just Like Your Bad Look

"This kind of medicine can improve people's five senses. Naturally, it can also improve the pain. Moreover, it can be increased by at least ten times."

demon!The pair in front of her is a pair of demons!
Otherwise, how could human beings be so terrifying!
She never thought that the things she had done were truly abominable, Liu Ruyan was tortured by severe pain and almost went crazy.

Finally, Ye Qianyue removed all of Liu Ruyan's limbs.

The tormented man rolled his eyes wildly, but even though he was tormented by such a huge pain, Liu Ruyan still couldn't pass out from the pain.

The severe pain in his body climbed up the spine, like a sharp cold knife, constantly churning in his mind.

However, such severe pain will only make Liu Ruyan more sober.

In order to prevent Liu Ruyan from bleeding to death, Ye Qianyue sprinkled a hemostatic powder on her wounds, allowing her to continue living in such pain.

Her mind was already confused, Liu Ruyan just wanted to die now!

Instead of living in such pain, why not just let her die! !
"Hmph~" Xiaopang looked very afraid of such blood, and kept hiding behind Ye Qianyue.

However, even so, there was no pity in Xiaopang's eyes.

In Xiaopang's heart, Ruyan Liu is no longer its master, and it doesn't have that much kindness towards strangers.

"Kill her directly?" Seeing Liu Ruyan's crazy laugh, Ye Qianyue asked softly.

"Don't worry, don't you still have good things that are useless?" He stepped forward and put his arms around Ye Qianyue's soft waist, Si Linyuan looked at Liu Ruyan, and didn't want to kill her so quickly, "Have you forgotten how she put Big Brother in danger before?"

"You mean..." After hearing Si Linyuan's words, Ye Qianyue realized it all at once.

A wicked smile suddenly appeared on her face, and Ye Qianyue kissed Si Linyuan's face with a smirk, "I just like your wicked appearance!"

Hearing this, Si Linyuan was in a good mood, and he didn't even look at Liu Ruyan over there.

At this moment, Liu Ruyan had no limbs, and there was a ferocious welt on his face. His body was in a state of embarrassment. His whole body seemed to be soaked in blood. He was seriously injured on the verge of death, but he couldn't die no matter what.

As long as she can die, she will be free! !

And when Liu Ruyan wanted to die, Ye Qianyue slowly walked to her side, her black eyes were extremely cold, she looked down at her, "Liu Ruyan, you will die soon."

The pain had already made Liu Ruyan lose all her sanity, but she still heard Ye Qianyue's words clearly.

"Clack, cluck, cluck... I, finally..." I can die!Fragmentary laughter came out of her throat, and Liu Ruyan fell to the ground like a lunatic, laughing foolishly.

Seeing Liu Ruyan's crazy appearance, Ye Qianyue took out the purple pollen collected from everyone before from her scepter space.

With a strong hand, the medicine bottle was shattered, and the purple pollen emitting a strong fragrance floated out immediately, like a delicate purple pearl, beating continuously on Ye Qianyue's palm, looking extremely delicate.

It is such an intoxicating pollen, but it is a sharp weapon to attract death!
Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue's eyes slightly narrowed, the pollen rushed out quickly, and then bloomed like fireworks, covering Liu Ruyan's body, not letting go of any place.

 According to the requirements of my parents~~be crazy first and then die~~~
  Are you happy! ?If you enjoy watching it, hurry up and vote for Concubine, if there is a reward, there will be more updates~
(End of this chapter)

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