Chapter 478 Inner City and Outer City

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There is still a long way to go. If everyone is careless, what they lose is their own life.

Looking at Si Linyuan now is like looking at a god, everyone nodded in unison at the moment, their brows and eyes were full of deep admiration, which couldn't be melted away no matter what.

After saying this, everyone finally had the time and opportunity to look at the ancient ruins in front of them.

I saw that under the cover of the giant tree, there was a huge snow-white labyrinth that was in the shape of a circle.

The labyrinth is intricate, comparable to a gossip array, surrounded by vines on the tall walls, and the ancient atmosphere rushes towards the face, but it does not appear to be the slightest bit gloomy. It is as majestic as the most exquisite masterpiece of heaven, which is amazing.

And in the middle of the maze, there is a solid barrier, with bursts of streamer constantly flowing on the barrier, making it difficult to see what is inside.

"Is this the ancient ruins here?" Mu Qianhuang soared into the sky, looking at the huge maze in front of him, with doubts in his dark blue eyes, "Why is it a maze, and, in the middle of the maze, it seems Something like..."

"The ancient ruins are divided into the outer city and the inner city. The outer city is a huge maze. Only by passing through the maze smoothly can you enter the inner city in the barrier." At this moment, Nalan Rongze's voice was somewhat dignified. , opened his mouth slowly.

While speaking, Nalan Rongze's eyes were always on Ye Qianyue and Si Linyuan.

Seeing Ye Qianyue relying on Si Linyuan so much, Nalan Rongze felt very uncomfortable, and tightly clenched his palms under his sleeves.

He is not reconciled, he is really not reconciled.

She was not reconciled that Ye Qianyue trusted Si Linyuan so much, that Si Linyuan could win Ye Qianyue's heart, and even more reconciled that she did not have the strength to compete with Si Linyuan.

He is not as good as Si Linyuan, so he even lost the qualification to stand beside Ye Qianyue and the chance to compete with Si Linyuan!

Thinking of this, Nalan Rongze lowered his eyes desolately, but there was a firm light beating in his eyes!
No, absolutely not, he can't just admit defeat like this, he must practice hard, until one day surpasses Si Linyuan, at that time, he will be able to stand beside his beloved woman openly and aboveboard!

Seeing Nalan Rongze's determined face, Xiao Hei snorted coldly, lowered his head slightly, and licked his smooth fur.

However, before Xiao Hei flicked his tail to find Ye Qianyue, a terrifying coercion that made its hair stand on end suddenly appeared, and then burst out from the center of the ruins in an instant!

"Meow——!" There was an angry roar from the throat, all the hair on Xiao Hei's body stood up, the golden eyes were filled with unprecedented violent energy, and the dark air around him surged out. With a hint of cyan thunder and lightning faintly, it ruthlessly blasted towards the coercion that everyone couldn't detect!

Everyone didn't know what happened. They just felt a gust of wind whizzing past, and then shook their feet softly, and there was a roaring feeling in their heads.

And with Xiao Hei's impact, that terrifying coercion dissipated in the air, without a trace.

"Hmph!?" Compared to everyone else, Xiaopang is undoubtedly the one most afraid of. The coercive pressure on his blood was like a thunderbolt, which made it scream in fright, and rushed directly into Ye Qianyue's skirt Down there, trembling constantly.

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(End of this chapter)

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