Chapter 479
The fleshy butt with a small tail was still exposed outside the skirt, and everyone was stunned by Xiaopang's terrified appearance.

They didn't understand what happened, Ye Qianyue quickly stepped forward to pick up Xiao Hei, stretched out her hands to smooth its fur, and calmed his irritability at the moment.

Ye Qianyue was a little surprised seeing Xiao Hei's cat-like vertical pupils glowing scarlet.

Although Xiao Hei always has a cold and paralyzed face on weekdays, he has always been calm, and has never been so violent and manic.

"Xiao Hei, what's the matter with you?" Ye Qianyue asked in bewilderment while reaching out to touch Xiao Hei's head.

Fearing that his sharp claws would hurt Ye Qianyue, Xiao Hei finally calmed down after whimpering a few times.

Still looking irritable, Xiao Hei calmed down for a while before finally opening his mouth solemnly, "There must be a very ferocious beast in this ancient ruin."

"Ferocious beast?"

After hearing Xiao Hei's words, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at it in puzzlement, "What kind of beast? Why didn't we feel anything, just a sudden headache..."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei looked disgusted, and then said coldly, "This is the coercion that monsters can only feel. Humans can't feel it, but even though they can't feel it, they will be affected to a certain extent."

For example, just now everyone had headaches because they were affected.

Xiao Hei didn't say it, it was because it was here, if it hadn't roared furiously just now, and bounced off the pressure of the beast, everyone might have more than just a headache.

Thinking about it, Xiao Hei looked at Ye Qianyue who was constantly stroking his hair and comforting him, and an inexplicable light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Holding Ye Qianyue's arm tightly with the soft meat pad, Xiao Hei looked at Ye Qianyue seriously, "Ah Yue, I want you to promise me something."

It is rare to see Xiao Hei actively asking for herself like this, Ye Qianyue nodded without thinking, "Okay, tell me."

Without any time to hesitate, Ye Qianyue immediately agreed to Xiao Hei. Such decisiveness made Xiao Hei's eyes a little more determined.

"After we enter the ancient ruins, we will definitely meet that ferocious beast. At that time, I hope that all of you will not make a move and let me deal with it." Xiao Hei did not seem to be joking at all, and his words were sincere.

"Little black cat, that is a ferocious beast left over from the ancient times. We may not be able to beat him together. If you deal with it alone, isn't it obvious that you are looking for death?" Yao Qi looked at Xiao Hei, his eyes were obviously filled with Deep mistrust.

Don't let them make a move?At that time, if Xiao Hei was knocked down, wouldn't it be them who suffered the most!

After hearing Yao Qi's words, everyone present nodded in agreement, obviously thinking that what Yao Qi said made sense.

"Yao Qi, don't be ignorant." Ye Qianfeng stepped forward at this moment, stopped Yao Qi, the smile on the corner of his mouth completely faded, and there was a strong evil spirit in his eyes.

Everyone present may not know it, but Ye Qianfeng knows that Xiao Hei fought a strong man at the level of Nian Zun back then.

Yao Qi said that, if Xiao Hei is offended, no one can save him!

"Brother..." It is rare to see Ye Qianfeng speak so harshly, the disdain and sarcasm in Yao Qi's eyes disappeared immediately, but he was still a little unwilling, "Brother, I'm not wrong, this little black cat Although the intelligence is high, but you look at it like this, how could it win a fierce beast, if it loses at that time, then we are not..."

(End of this chapter)

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