Chapter 484 What is that?
"It's just a little girl who is not at the level of Nianzong. If it is resolved quickly, I can go back to do business." The man's voice was extremely arrogant, and he looked coldly at Ye Qianyue's leaving back, With a soft snort, he ignored the rules of the ancient ruins, a barrier appeared all over his body, and he rushed directly into the maze.


After everyone entered the Suzaku Gate, Ye Qianyue led the way, following what she remembered, heading towards the only correct path.

However, before walking too far, Ye Qianyue stopped with serious eyes, "Stop first."

Everyone looked at Ye Qianyue in confusion, Nalan Rongze asked, "Miss Ye, what's wrong?"

The three-meter-high palace wall cannot be climbed, nor is it allowed to fly, so Ye Qianyue has no way to see the whole picture of the entire maze road at this moment, but she can vaguely confirm one thing...

As if confirming, Ye Qianyue quickly took two steps forward, then quickly stretched out her hand, touching the nothingness in front of her eyes.

After confirming that there was nothing there, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes showed a deep and suspicious look, "I remember, there should be a wall here to block this road."

As she said that, Ye Qianyue turned her eyes to look at the other road beside her, her tone became more solemn, "And I still remember that there should be no road here..."

Ye Qianyue's words immediately made everyone puzzled, and at the same time added a bit of horror, they all looked at Ye Qianyue in astonishment.

"Miss Ye, could it be that you have misremembered?" Zhou Yeli asked weakly, feeling that such a weird thing would never happen.

"Absolutely not." With absolute confidence in her extraordinary memory, Ye Qianyue has long been able to achieve a photographic memory, and it is absolutely impossible for her to make a mistake in such a trivial matter.

Thinking of what she saw outside from the beginning, the change in the road, Ye Qianyue couldn't help pursing her lips.

Sure enough, what she saw outside just now was not an illusion!
Looking up at the high palace wall, Ye Qianyue became more and more sure, "This is not a maze at all, but a formation!"

"Array? What is that...?"

The unfamiliar words made everyone dumbfounded, and they all looked at the people around them, but no one knew what the formation that Ye Qianyue was talking about was.

"A formation is a special arrangement. Moreover, the formation we are in now has a moving formation eye, so the palace wall will constantly change with the movement of the formation eye." I didn't think of my own information. According to Curry's records, the ancient formations actually appeared here. Ye Qianyue looked at everyone and continued to explain, "The formation eye is the center of a formation. Generally, as long as the formation eye can be destroyed , the formation will be broken without attacking, but the eye of the formation may be anything in the formation, it may be a palace wall, a piece of brick, or even a piece of gravel on the side of the road. Everything in it may be the eye of the formation."

"In that case, we are also in the formation. Could it be that we are also the eyes of this formation?" Soon hearing the point, Ye Qianfeng thought of what Ye Qianyue said, "To destroy the formation." Out of sight', I suddenly had a bad premonition in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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