The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 485 Absolutely Won't Let You Do Mess!

Chapter 485 Absolutely Won't Let You Do Mess!

Ye Qianfeng's question was what everyone wanted to ask, and for a moment, everyone's eyes turned to Ye Qianyue.

Nodding her head, Ye Qianyue looked at the sudden change of expression on everyone's face, and comforted her immediately, "Don't worry so much, you should, you won't be that moving eye."

They have always trusted Ye Qianyue very much. With her words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, with a happy expression on their faces.

However, after hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Si Linyuan still had a serious expression on his face.

According to what Ye Qianyue just said, if everyone is not the eye of the formation, then the person who is the eye of the formation, isn't she herself?
Thinking of this, Si Linyuan's golden eyes flashed a dark light that made it difficult to see the emotion, and he quickly walked to Ye Qianyue's side.

"Ah Yue, don't act recklessly." Thinking of the moment Ye Qianyue wandered outside the maze just now, Si Linyuan had a very bad guess in his heart.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on." She smiled and took Si Linyuan's hand, Ye Qianyue knew what he was worried about.

Although it has not been confirmed who Zhenyan is, Ye Qianyue feels that she is most likely to be Zhenyan.

After she moved a little outside the maze, the route of the maze changed. At that time, she thought it was just an illusion, but now it seems that it is obviously not that simple.

And if, as she guessed, she was really the moving eye, then things would be really difficult.

The formations are all different, some can be broken directly by directly damaging the formation eyes, while others can only be done by completely destroying the formation eyes.

If it's the former, Ye Qianyue will be fine with a slight injury, but if it's the latter, then...

However, before Ye Qianyue could finish thinking, a generous palm tightly grasped her slightly cool palm.

The wide palms were thick and powerful, and the warm body temperature spread through the palms and spread throughout the whole body, which also moved Ye Qianyue's mind, and raised her eyes to look at that person.

Because of the change of appearance, Si Linyuan's appearance did not look as magnificent as usual, but those golden eyes were differently clear, like a deep pool, which Ye Qianyue looked at at a glance. You can see the emotion in his eyes.

Anxiety and worry filled Si Linyuan's eyes, expressing his uneasiness at the moment.

Even with a hint of anger, Si Linyuan held Ye Qianyue's hand vigorously, not allowing her to resist at all, "Ah Yue, as long as I'm here, I will never let you do anything foolish!"

If Ye Qianyue was really the movable eye of the formation, she would at least suffer some minor injuries if she wanted to break the formation.

He has always regarded Ye Qianyue as his treasure in the palm of his hand, even if Si Linyuan just gave up and left like this, he would definitely not let Ye Qianyue suffer any harm!
This is his woman, he can't let Ye Qianyue put herself in danger just to help him!
With a bit of surprise in her eyebrows, Ye Qianyue quickly lowered her dark eyes, and said in a muffled voice, "I haven't said anything yet, don't think about it."

"Even if you don't say anything, I know what you will do." He loves Ye Qianyue deeply, and Si Linyuan understands Ye Qianyue's character better.

If Ye Qianyue is really the movable formation eye, Ye Qianyue will definitely kill herself without hesitation in order to pass through the outer city and reach the inner city smoothly.

 Lu la la la, babies, if you don’t want to abuse Xiao Yueyue, please vote quickly~ As long as there are a lot of votes, not only will you not abuse Xiao Yueyue, but the concubine will add more~
(End of this chapter)

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