Chapter 503: Either You Die or I Die
Add the second update~~~
Seeing that leaving with Fenghun Huoshi brought a brilliant fire tail, Ye Qianyue's brows were instantly frowned, "Linyuan, I'm going to chase Fenghun Huoshi!"

"Shi Qi, go with her." Without moving his eyes, Si Linyuan looked at the dust in front of him, felt the faint evil spirit within, and narrowed his slender eyes sharply.

"Eh? I don't want it, I finally met the dark demons, I must beat them all to the ground!" Killing Qi snorted unhappily, then rolled up his sleeves directly, That fierce look, as if he was about to rush out in the next second, and beat up the person who caught the dark demon!
After listening to Shi Qi's words, Si Linyuan's expression could not see the slightest wave, but his eyes were always firmly on Shi Qi's body, as if he wanted to see through him.

Being stared at by Si Linyuan, Shi Qi was annoyed at first, then frowned, and finally howled helplessly, "Okay, okay! I understand, I will help you protect her, but you have to promise me, you must take This group of dark demons will all be beaten to the ground."

"That's natural." Even if Shi Qi didn't say anything, Si Linyuan wouldn't just let the Dark Demon go, so he nodded coldly.

Seeing that Si Linyuan agreed to himself, Shi Qi was finally relieved, and rushed directly in front of Ye Qianyue, "Little girl, let's go!"

Nodding her head, Ye Qianyue looked at Si Linyuan with a trace of reluctance.

"Don't worry, leave everything here to me. I'll go find you when everything is settled." Si Linyuan came to Ye Qianyue's side in a flash, Si Linyuan's eyes were full of reluctance, and he pulled Ye Qianyue up Qianyue's palm was gently placed on her lips for a kiss.

"I'll be waiting for you." Without doubting what Si Linyuan said, Ye Qianyue just took a deep look at Si Linyuan, then turned and walked in the direction where Fenghun Huoshi left.

Seeing Ye Qianyue leave quickly, Si Linyuan also felt a thick breath gradually coming out of the dust and coming towards him.

Soon, an embarrassed golden figure waved away the large cloud of flying dust in front of him, and stood coldly in front of Si Linyuan.

Most of the golden robe on his body was blown up, and Beigong Huoyin's blood-like eyes were filled with a strong evil spirit, and he looked fiercely at Si Linyuan over there, "Today, either you die or I die !"

"You can rest assured, I never intended to let you go!" Equally murderous, Si Linyuan watched the pitch-black energy beating in Beigong Huoyin's hand, and then ruthlessly attacked him!


"Boom—" Hearing a loud noise from the direction where Si Linyuan and the others were, Ye Qianyue, who continued to move forward, pursed her lips tightly, and her eyes were dimly lit.

Beigong Huoyin is indeed very strong, but her Si Linyuan is even stronger, and Si Linyuan has never let her down!
"Ah Yue, I'll go with you!" At this moment, Xiao Hei ran over, his whole body burst into golden light, and instantly transformed into a human form.

Dressed in a black outfit, Xiao Hei's lovely lady had a dignified face, her feet floated in the air, and she quickly came to Ye Qianyue's side.

"That ferocious beast is inside, and I'm going to take care of it myself!" Looking up at Ye Qianyue, the little black and golden vertical pupils were full of firmness, apparently having made up her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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