Chapter 504 What Do You Want To Do?

Add the third update! ~
Hearing the words, Ye Qianyue nodded, and the speed of her feet increased a little.

"Girl, the phoenix soul flint is now an ownerless thing. When you see it again, you don't have to grab it forcibly. You only need to imprint your spiritual imprint on the flint, and the flint can be used by you!" Killing Seven's emerald-colored eyes danced with a serious light, and said immediately.

"I see." Nodding, Ye Qianyue soon arrived at the deepest part of the pyramid, which is also the top of the pyramid.

All the way up, soon, a huge tall gate appeared in front of Ye Qianyue.

The light burst out, and the hot temperature continued to seep out of it, instantly scorching the broken hair of Ye Qianyue's temples.

Knowing that her fire energy and myriad flower energy are not suitable to be used as a barrier, Ye Qianyue's eyes froze, and the silver-white spiritual power between her brows rushed out quickly, quickly building a solid barrier, Protect her firmly.

Rushing into the gate without hesitation, Ye Qianyue saw the Phoenix Soul Fire Stone wrapped in Phoenix Soul Fire at a glance!
At the top of the pyramid is a huge open space, covered with countless flame stones, which are continuously absorbing the energy of the sun in the sky. The terrible temperature makes Ye Qianyue's back sweat involuntarily.

Surrounded tightly by the phoenix-shaped Phoenix Soul Fire, Phoenix Soul Fire Stone looked at Ye Qianyue who suddenly broke into his territory, and immediately let out a phoenix cry.

"Ah Yue, look!" Pointing to the sky, Xiao Hei looked at the huge monster in the sky, his eyes were beating ferociously.

Looking up at the moment, Ye Qianyue looked at the behemoth in the sky, and there were bursts of coldness in her eyes.

"Roar!" In the sky, there is a poor and strange beast!
Shaped like a tiger, Qiongqi's sharp fangs shone coldly in the sun, and the bloody mouth opened with a bit of ferocity, revealing the white sharp teeth that can easily crush pieces of iron!

The black pattern and the golden shading circled and intertwined, Qiongqi's scarlet eyes danced with a ferocious and evil killing light, staring viciously at Xiao Hei who was standing beside Ye Qianyue!

Taking another look at Qiongqi for confirmation, Ye Qianyue saw that the Qiongqi beast had only Xiao Hei in its eyes, and with a bit of fear, Ye Qianyue let out a fierce roar at Xiao Hei!

Also staring at the poor and strange beast in the sky without showing any weakness, Xiao Hei's exquisite and lovely face did not show any expression, as cold as a thousand years of ice, "Ah Yue, leave this evil beast to me alone Solve it, just take it easy and deal with Phoenix Soul Flint directly."

"What on earth do you want to do?" Seeing Xiao Hei's murderous look, Ye Qianyue frowned and said.

"Kill it, and then devour it!" While speaking, Xiao Hei finally moved away from staring at Qiong Qi, and turned to Ye Qianyue.

There was a little bit of soft light in the golden vertical pupils, and Xiao Hei said excitedly, "As long as I can successfully devour the poor and strange beasts, I can restore my original strength! Such an opportunity is rare. It has to be grasped.”

Having lost his strength for too long, Xiao Hei has long wanted to find a chance to regain his strength, and now that Qiongqi has come to his door, it is undoubtedly the best supplement for him!

He is the king of longevity. Although Qiongqi is a fierce beast, to him, he is nothing to be afraid of!
 Lu la la la, a total of 3 more updates have been added today~~ Is Fei Er serious~~
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(End of this chapter)

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