The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 505 There is really nothing to fear

Chapter 505 There is really nothing to fear

Seeing Xiao Hei's serious expression, Ye Qianyue nodded immediately, "Be careful yourself." In this regard, she can't help Xiao Hei, and everything can only be counted on Xiao Hei to come by himself.

"Well, although the phoenix soul flint is something that has no owner, you have to be careful." After telling Ye Qianyue, Xiao Hei stepped on the void, his eyes were like torches, and his cold light was beating, staring at him firmly. Looking at the poor and strange beasts over there.

Feeling that every word and deed of myself would be directly seen through by Xiao Hei's eyes, an angry roar came out from the throat of the poor beast, as if it was warning Xiao Hei not to continue coming!

Just looking at the Qiongqi beast coldly, Xiao Hei completely ignored its deafening roar, with a faint sense of relief, proudly despised the beast, like looking at an ant on the street.

The indifferent gaze is sincere contempt. Qiongqi is obviously a beast that people have always feared, but in Xiao Hei's eyes, this beast is just a bigger wild cat.

There is really nothing to be afraid of.

"Roar!" Seeing Xiao Hei coming in front of him, the Qiongqi beast let out a roar, flapped its wings on its back, opened its bloody mouth, and the extremely crazy one came to bite Xiao Hei.

"Overestimate one's strength." The corners of his lips were raised coldly, bursts of brilliance suddenly appeared in Xiao Hei's vertical pupils, and the blood pressure that only monsters could feel was like Mount Tai pressing down, making Qiong Qi Immediately, the ferocious beast let out a howl as if begging for mercy, with three parts anger and seven parts fear, staring at Xiao Hei nervously, but it did not dare to move forward.

Seeing this, the sneer at the corner of Xiao Hei's mouth became even worse, and when he raised his hand, pitch-black energy condensed in his palm.

In the pitch-black darkness, blue-blue lightning was beating faintly, and between the tumbling, there was a palpitating thick energy!

Looking at the thunder and lightning in the dark energy, Qiongqi Fierce Beast only felt that this thing looked very familiar, but it couldn't remember it for a while.

Even if he couldn't remember it, the Qiongqi Fierce Beast could clearly feel the terrifying coercion released from that mass of energy.

Almost subconsciously, the gorgeous hair on Qiongqi's body suddenly stood up, and the whole beast completely exploded. Seeing Xiao Hei's seemingly random wave, he threw the energy ball over.

The seemingly cumbersome energy ball is extremely fast, almost before it even has time to take a breath, it has already teleported to the front of the poor beast!
There was no time to react at all, a distorted roar came out from the throat of the poor beast, and then watched helplessly as the energy ball hit its left front paw fiercely.

With a sound of 'Boom', the front paws were completely scorched black, and then accompanied by the miserable scream of the poor beast, it was completely turned into nothingness.

Amidst the screams of the Qiongqi ferocious beast, ferocious blood splashed out and splashed on Xiao Hei's fair cheeks, making him look a little more bloody.

A strong smell of blood spread out, with a somewhat ferocious feeling, making one's heart tremble!

The bloodthirsty color in his eyes became deeper and deeper, Xiao Hei tiptoed the ground under the terrified eyes of the Qiongqi beast, and rushed towards it quickly!

Seeing that Xiao Hei was suppressing the Qiongqi beast with almost absolute strength, Ye Qianyue's heart that had been hanging high was slowly let go.

(End of this chapter)

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