Chapter 511 Ah Yue Is Mine

Dazzling lightning spread out along with the loud noise, and the huge light was like daytime, illuminating everything around very clearly.

Without even a chance to scream, the extremely ferocious beast has already been chopped into coke!

The shocking blue-blue lightning is still wandering on Qiongqi's coke-like body, which seems to have a sense of fantasy.

Raising his hand and grasping it in the void, the invisible energy instantly shattered the fragile body of Qiongqi Ferocious Beast. Immediately, the bright yellow magic core floated out, and then landed firmly in Xiao Hei's hand.

"The poor beast just died like this?" Curiously, he came to Xiao Hei's side, Shi Qi looked at the magic core in Xiao Hei's hand that continuously released powerful energy fluctuations, and asked while blinking.

"Qongqi is a ferocious beast bred by heaven and earth. Even if it dies, after a while, it will condense a demon core and a flesh body again." Xiao Hei explained lightly, and then looked down at the beast that was killed by the Phoenix Soul Fire. Ye Qianyue, who was tightly protected, asked nervously, "How is she?"

"It's going well, but I guess I won't be able to wake up for a while." Looking at Ye Qianyue the same way, Shi Qi quickly said to Xiao Hei, "If you want to practice, why don't you get together now. Anyway, Phoenix Soul Fire Stone and Qiongqi Ferocious Beast are gone, even if the barrier of the ruins is closed, as long as we work together, we can tear open a space wormhole and get out."

Without answering, Xiao Hei's figure flashed, and he turned back into that cute little black cat again.

Quickly swallowing the magic core into his mouth, the little black and golden vertical pupils looked at Shiqi seriously, "I won't be able to protect her for a while, and everything about her is left to you."

"Don't worry, I will always pay attention to her every move..."


However, before Killing Seven finished speaking, there was a loud bang from the bottom of the pyramid.

The huge impact made the entire pyramid tremble slightly, and the corners of Shi Qi's mouth twitched involuntarily, "It seems that Si Linyuan and the dark demons are fighting very fiercely."

While speaking, there was another loud noise from below.

"Although I don't want to admit it, but that little leader of the Dark Demon is truly not weak." Killing Qi narrowed his eyes lightly, and said in a deep voice.

"It's just right that Si Linyuan lost, so Ayue is mine." As he said that, the little black and golden vertical pupils looked at Ye Qianyue with a trace of complexity, "However, I know Si Linyuan's strength, I'm afraid I don't have that chance right now."

"I can't tell, you still have confidence in him?" Killing Qi said with a smirk after hearing Xiao Hei's words.

Seeing that the emerald-colored eyes of Killing Seventh were constantly beating with light, Xiao Hei narrowed his eyes fiercely, with seven points of danger and three points of contempt, he stretched out his claws without hesitation, fiercely Scratching Shi Qi's face.

Hearing Shi Qi's scream of 'Aww', Xiao Hei's expression was very cold, and he said angrily, "Next time you dare to talk such nonsense, I will completely scratch your face!"

"It's already been spent! This handsome face of this old man has fascinated thousands of girls! You little cat, why are you so cruel!" Killing Qi covered his face and wailed, so angry that he was about to jump off the wall!
These people can't get along with his face, don't they know the truth that hitting someone doesn't hurt their face, and hitting their face hurts their self-esteem!
(End of this chapter)

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