The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 512 1 will definitely kill you without a whole body!

Chapter 512 You must be dead without a whole body!
As if he didn't hear Shi Qi's screams, Xiao Hei didn't like to talk to him, and directly began to absorb the thick energy in the magic core.

The dark energy of the dark energy quickly sprang out from the whole body, and the flames gushing out of it were somewhat dangerous, and quickly wrapped Xiao Hei's whole body, making it invisible for a moment.

Angrily snorted, Shi Qi covered his injured face, feeling so wronged.

I hate it, these people know how to bully him as an old man, they don't know how to respect the old and love the young at all!
At this time, there was another loud noise from below, and the powerful impact made the ground tremble continuously.

Involuntarily frowning slightly, Shi Qi muttered in bewilderment, "What are those two people below doing? Look at this posture, before they can decide the winner, this ancient ruins will collapse first!"

As he said that, Shi Qi felt more and more that the ruins were really likely to collapse if things went on like this, and immediately he floated to Ye Qianyue's side with a serious face, and paid close attention to her every move, so as not to make any mistakes. Caught him off guard.


At the same time, the bottom of the pyramid.

Dust spread out, and the huge impact turned into aftermath, which ruthlessly bombarded the wall, shattering the golden wall and turning it into countless pieces of gold, which splashed out.

Dazzling flames and dark energy constantly appeared in the dust, and when the two collided, bursts of fierce sparks were created, and the thick evil spirit was continuously churned out, making one's complexion turn pale!
Si Linyuan and Beigong Huoyin's speeds were extremely fast, making Ye Qianfeng and the others afraid to step forward.

Bursts of terrifying space cracks burst out continuously, the speed is so fast that it is no longer a concept that can be captured by the naked eye!
Just watching from a distance, you can feel the terrifying aura. If you really get close to it, they will be smashed to pieces by the powerful aura of the two of them!
Vigorous arrogance swarmed out, and with a violent collision, the two people in the fierce battle finally took a few steps back and distanced themselves.

At this moment, the dust dispersed, revealing the figures of the two.

The robes on her body were all damaged in their own way. Among them, Beigong Huoyin looked much more embarrassed than Si Linyuan, and the golden robe on her body was much broken.

But even so, Beigong Huoyin didn't look embarrassed at all, instead, those eyes were beating with unruly light, murderous aura surged all over his body, and the anger in his eyes was as terrifying as the essence!
Compared to Beigong Huoyin, Si Linyuan's situation is obviously much better.

The robe on his body was damaged, unlike Beigong Huoyin's body that was burnt black, Si Linyuan's robe seemed to have been melted, large and small holes corroded the gorgeous robe, but it made Si Linyuan Yuan looks a little more iron-blooded!

"The dark demon is still in your body, you can't last long at all." Beigong Huoyin glared at Si Linyuan over there, the dark power around him was mixed with gray death energy, like a hell Shura, the corners of his lips A piercing smile suddenly appeared, "Unfortunately, you have completely angered me, so even if you beg me for mercy now, I will definitely kill you!"

Hearing Beigong Huoyin's extremely rampant words, Si Linyuan's brows were cold, and monstrous waves appeared in his gilt noble eyes, which would completely engulf Beigong Huoyin over there in almost a second.

 It's on the shelves. It's on the shelves~~ Please recommend tickets and ask for monthly tickets~!A lot of tickets are updated a lot!

  On the shelves today, Fei'er will update at least 2W, and there will be updates in a while, I hope you will support Fei'er a lot!

(End of this chapter)

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