The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 540 You Haven't Seen It Before, Have You?

Chapter 540 You Haven't Seen It Before, Have You?
The opportunity she had been waiting for for a long time finally came at this moment, and Ye Qianyue followed Younina to a secret room with hidden excitement.

There are five secret rooms in the temple, which are the most important forbidden areas of the temple. They are usually guarded very strictly, and even a fly cannot fly in. Except for Yunina and Qi Che, who are qualified to enter and leave the secret rooms, others must Approval from Yunina or Qiche is required.

Along the long corridor, all the way to the corner at the end, stopped in front of a secret room.

The guard standing guard at the door of the secret room saw Younina and knelt down on the ground with his head bowed, looking respectful.

"Qianyue, I will see the high priest in a while, you have to pay attention to your words and demeanor, the rules of the temple headquarters are strict, if you accidentally say the wrong thing and anger the high priest, I can't protect you." Yunina said As he spoke, he took out the golden key that he carried with him, and opened the golden lock on the door of the secret room.

With a click, the bluestone door of the secret room automatically and slowly opened, and golden light overflowed from the secret room.

"I see, Her Highness Goddess, don't worry." Ye Qianyue said softly.

This is the first time I have seen the secret room of the temple, probably because only the core figures of the temple can come, the secret room is quite gorgeously decorated.

Gorgeous yet elegant, the walls of the entire room are inlaid with a luminous pearl every one meter, reflecting the golden walls and the golden ground, refracting a faint golden light, illuminating the entire secret room.In the center of the secret room is a one-meter-high stone platform made of white jade, and an ancient scroll is floating above the stone platform.

Eyes lit up, Ye Qianyue saw what the scroll was at a glance.

She had heard from Si Linyuan before that if a person's own strength is not enough to tear apart the space when traveling between planes in this world, he can rely on arrays or scrolls. Arrays are very rare, and generally speaking, only peerless Only the strong can create formations, and formations also have an expiry date.The scroll in front of him should be the teleportation scroll.

There was still some distance from the teleportation scroll, and Ye Qianyue felt the powerful thought energy emanating from the scroll, and it was indeed a treasure that could teleport planes, powerful enough.

"This is the teleportation scroll, Qianyue, you haven't seen it before, have you?" Younina closed the door carefully, and said with a somewhat smug tone.

Ye Qianyue nodded irrefutably, it was indeed the first time she saw her.

The teleportation scroll is a very precious thing, so it can be seen that the strength of the temple should not be underestimated.

"Just hold my hand later and don't let go." Younina walked to the side of Yushi Terrace as she said, and Ye Qianyue followed.

Holding Younina's hand, Ye Qianyue saw that she bit her right index finger, and then dripped a drop of blood on the teleportation scroll, muttering something.

I couldn't hear what Yunina was muttering, but soon, the teleportation scroll opened into a plane, and Ye Qianyue saw a magnificent white building phantom refracted from the scroll, as vivid as it was real, and then, a dazzling A grand light shot straight out from the scroll, enveloping her and Younina.

Ye Qianyue only felt a blur in front of her eyes, her body seemed to be sucked into a black hole, and she floated up. After a brief twirling, her feet stepped on the solid ground, and a strange sound came from her ear. Respectful voice.

(End of this chapter)

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